Thanks man will do! Also took some pictures of the buds. I’m going to looking more into fox tailing and the other things you said and what I can to prevent/spot it before it gets too bad if it does.
Finished feeding them week 6. I’ll continue on the track I’ve been doing. Such as monitoring to see if they are dry on Wednesday and if they are I will feed again. I know you may have said something like you like feed twice a week. Or something like that? Not sure but anyway hope I’m doing alright and thanks for all the help. You should definitely take some pride in these buds that come out too. You were a huge help with getting me to this point and helping me understand and gain all the knowledge I have now!
Hope I’m not being too annoying updating you on everything I do man. If so let me know please .
I’m enjoying this thread. Glad you’re getting sorted out.
Appreciate it man! This is my first grow and @SolomanGrundy is really good at explaining and helping a new person out. I wouldn’t be where I am at today with what my buds looking the way they do if it wasn’t for him so HUGE shoutout to @SolomanGrundy. I’d recommend him to any newcomer
Greetings, brother.
I am enjoying having you happy with your grow. You have done well for yourself growing in the grow. If anyone wants to just blow off the plants needs they reap what they sow. It’s like anything else, your job your family, you get by not brushing a side the important things thats needed to be productive. Starting out is painful in the fact that man, here is another thing I have to learn. Never let that get in the way of, family or people or growing plants. We all learn everday I still do, I am going into hydroponics after a surgery to keep learning. Then maybe pass it on. Anyway your doing well.
Take care thanks.
Greetings, brother.
Yes if the pots are dry enough you can feed up to twice a week. The chart says so read it right? The feeding chart is a very well written in instructions. Now don’t forget the up coming blue flush line. That’s when you mix up twice the water with sledghammer and in your case pour 6 quarts or 24 cups, washing out the salts that build up on the roots into each 3 gallon pot. Wait until they are dry again then continue to follow the normal weekly feeding.
Take care.
Greetings, brother.
You will need to order some of these bags for storing your premium buds for months. They keep your buds at the perfect humidity.
Just future fun to make.
Below is the bags I use to make dry ice hash with. Very cheap investment. I decarboxalate my 1 ounce of buds then put them into the freezer until frozen in a grove bag. When I am ready to make hash I go buy 5 lbs of dry ice and putting into the 73 screen bag the ice and the decarbed bud and simply shaking vigorously into a big tub surrounded with a white shower curtin under the tub and another white shower curtain hanging with the curtin going into the tub so as to collect the falling frozen tricones into the tub. I brush with a new clean paint brush directly all into the tub.
I gather up this grade of 73 into a small container. Next I pour the remaining dry ice and left over cannabis into the 120 grade bage and repeat. Then gather into a container and repeat again with the 220 bag untill scraps of dry ice and left over cannabis is left to despose of.
You end up with three grades of hash 73 the best, 120 medium, 220 lowest.
73 is pure tricones the best cleanest smoke.
120 is more plant materials are in it which is great but a little harsh.
220 has the most plant materials in it leaf and very little tricones. Think of it a rolled sugar leaf joint.
Cool devise to make edibles and other great product and it makes the bud a littler stronger.
Nova decarboxalator
Dry ice hash bags.
LOWESCHOICE 4 Pack 1-Gallon Mesh Plant Grew Bag Set with Pressing Screen & Storage Pouch(25-220μm) LOWESCHOICE 4 Pack 1-Gallon Mesh Plant Grew Bag Set with Pressing Screen & Storage Pouch(25-220μm): Industrial & Scientific
Great for so many uses.
Fun to make and experience with friends.
Eat cannabis and get high? Not so, true.
Cannabis must be decarbed to change the molecular structure from a acid to THC,
that we all enjoy its healing affects.
Once cannabis is decarbed then you can even sprinkle a little on your pizza or include it into many recipes.
I decarb and oz. Then freeze it in my grove bag, remove it from the freezer crunch it up while its in the bag and remove stems. I put the frozen cannabis into a jar and pour in freezer kept ( meaning freeze your ever clear first ) ever clear grain high proof, just to cover the cannabis and put the jar back into the freezer for 20 to 25 days. Then I get two coffee filter placed in the corner of a gallon ziplock freezer bag. Place the cannabis and grain into the ziplock bag escape air and zip up so some can escape. Put a measuring cup with a plate under it, cut the bottom corner of the bag. Twisting the bag to get all of the grain filtered out thru the coffee filters into the measuring cup Twisting and repeating until nothing but wet cannabis is left. You should yield about a measurement of about 1 cup. Get a silicone 9x9 baking pan SILICONE ONE, and measure out 2 cups of white sugar. Pour the approximate cup of the squeezed grain over sugar and stir in until mixed. Cover with cheese cloth using clothes pins clipped to the pans edges to keep the cheese cloth from falling into the mixture of grain and sugar. Place a small fan blowing across the pan for about 3 days sturing and mixing twice daily. Once all of the alcohol is evaluated put the dry sugar into a new ziplock bag and carefully using a rolling pin to break up into sugar again.
Go into it low and slow more people end up going to the emergency room for consumption of to much cannabis eatables.
I use a tablespoon of the sugar every morning in my tea or coffee or on my cereal.
You got about 15 minutes to find a safe place.
This keeps me out of pain for about 4 hours.
Go low and slow 1/2 teaspoon maybe you never know how much THC is in your bud
Or trim. By the way great place to use up your trimmed sugar leaves. Here or in dry ice hash.
Okay man definitely won’t forget! Just so that I’m clear. I’ll feed week 7 and wait until they are dry and then flush them? Also does it say in the chart I have how much of the sledgehammer I need to use? I just got it in the mail yesterday and am not 100% sure how to.
Also. Do you want me to feed them right after I flush or wait until the soil is dry and then feed them as I normally would following the chart?
Greetings, brother.
[quote=“Bryce, post:269, topic:116665”]
I’ll feed week 7 and wait until they are dry and then flush them? YES CORRECT
Also does it say in the chart I have how much of the sledgehammer I need to use?
I just got it in the mail yesterday and am not 100% sure how to.
In you my statement this question comes from.
That’s when you mix up twice the water with sledghammer and in your case pour 6 quarts or 24 cups, washing out the salts that build up on the roots into each 3 gallon pot. Wait until they are dry again then continue to follow the normal weekly feeding.
Also. Do you want me to feed them right after I flush or wait until the soil is dry and then feed them as I normally would following the chart?
In you my statement this question comes from. YES CORRECT
Wait until they are dry again then continue to follow the normal weekly feeding.
This would be week 8 for you
I hope this helps out.
So recap. After week 7 before you start week 8 you are to mix up 4 total 1 gallon jugs in each jug put in 2 teaspoons of sledgehammer and ph to 6.5.
Pour in 24 cups or 6 quarts of this into each 3 gallon pot. Wait for them to dry and then start the feedings for week 8.
Don’t worry I will help if I can I am having surgery on Friday but will always try to be there for you.
Greetings ,brother.
Also does it say in the chart I have how much of the sledgehammer I need to use?
My bad please correct.
@ Mmanson1981 @SausageMahoney
Greetings, brothers.
I enjoy your replies and being there for support as well. I have followed a long on your replies and information. I am not looking forward to a Friday’s procedure on me but I am going to try and stay in the loop. Have a blessed one.
Thanks take care.
You’re in my prayers brother. Thank you for your kindness.
Hoping for a speedy recovery
Okay man! Thanks for all of the clarification. I will feed week6 again tonight and then on Sunday or Monday feed week7. However this may be confusing but I’ve been feeding them twice a week. Do you want me to feed ONCE then let dry /flush or feed them TWICE then let dry/flush?
Greetings, brother.
Just follow your weeks you are in no mater how many feedings you are able to get in stay with the week so as not to get confused. Always let your plant dry before watering. So if week 7 you feed once stay with that. But before you move into week 8 do your flush. Then if you can do a week 8 feeding after the flush dries. If you can’t do a week 8 feeding. Move to week 9, but I am sure you will be able to get in a week 8.
My surgery was cancled until March because we lost water in our city becaue of the snow and ice storm and the big water plant loosing powr to the pumps. This messed up All hospitals .I will be there for you. Take care.
@SausageMahoney @Mmanson1981 @Tas
My surgery was cancled until March because we lost water in our city becaue of the snow and ice storm and the big water plant loosing power to the pumps. This messed up All hospitals for surgical purposes.
Thank you for your thoughts.
Take care.
Will keep you in my prayers brother.
Hey man how are ya doing? Been thinking about what you said and would these work? I like to order things through Amazon!
Greetings, brother.
Trust me they are cheaper thru grove bags.
Buy what is easier for you. But here is the link I use again. No problem jus trying to help you save. I never used the other sorry read up and you can decide. You just need the 1 ounce size or smaller.
Take care brother.