Hey all, this is my 5th soil indoor grow and so far my first one were I didn’t manage to get a herm (Yea its been rough). I did change a lot this grow in hopes of preventing herms.
Purchased proven clones from a buddy
Attempting to prevent drastic temperature swings
Moved from Fox Farm nuts to Jacks 321
Started doing a better job of testing PH and PPM on a regular basis
Haven’t turned my light past 70-80%
Here is where I am atm (Week 6.5 flower). I do think I managed to give these plants to many nutrients for a little while which might be the cause of their interesting colors.
Overall they seem pretty happy. What do you yall think?
If it is the rust fungus, they recommend a lot of things that aren’t great to do during flower. Such as carefully removing all infected leaves. Spraying copper stuff on it, neem oil etc. All of which can cause the buds to be something you don’t really want to smoke. Big recommendation is lots more airflow if it’s just one fan in there. But at this point might be worse spreading spores around if indeed fungal.
Will spots rub off on your fingers or no? Could be an infection or could be nute lockout, looks like there’s a nitrogen excess and ph will also cause these colors. A nute excess will tank your PH and cause essential nutrients to not be taken up.
Peroxide and water spray will attack fungus and dissipate into O and H2O. It will dry edges of leaves so might be something to do close to harvest. I would also suggest a thorough bud wash at harvest.
This seems to be the cause. It does not rub off at all. Granted things seem to still be growing pretty well.
I think were I really went wrong is I was not measuring run off PH, I was only PH’ing my water before watering, once I started measuring run off PH I realized it was super low and I have been working on bringing it back up. Today’s watering I might actually use some PH up.