Hi can anyone tell me what could this be my plants are 4 weeks 2 days now I’ve got them on a ec of 0.6 it’s all up new growth looks crinkled ! I give them calmag every third feed 20180319_200751|374x500
What is the strain and type(unknown bag seed, strain name, regular seeds, feminized seeds, auto-flower, etc)?
Indoor or Outdoor? If outdoor, planted in ground or in a container?
Size of pots ?
Size of space (max height and area, length/width)?
Soil or Hydro? Type of Medium used? Brand of soil? System type?
pH? Of the soil or medium (root zone/reservoir/run-off) and of the water and/or nutrient mix that is fed to the plant?
Type and strength of nutrients used? NPK? EC/TDS/PPM levels? Of what you feed it as well as what is in the water by itself and in the soil/medium (run-off), or reservoir.
Temperature? Day vs. night temp or highest and lowest temps? Root zone temps?
Humidity %? Day vs. night
Light system/watts/lumens/FLUX/PAR?
Ventilation system? Size? CFM? CO2? AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier?
Number “weeks/days” from into Season, Vegetative Growth or Bloom/flowering?
Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer. Feel free to elaborate, but try to be brief and to the point. Short and to the point questions and/or facts will help us help you.
More info is needed, but off hand I’d say major nutrient imbalance, the added calcium could be binding the phosphorous, some fertilizers and supplements don’t mix well with others. Nitrogen calcium phosphorous and potassium need to be kept in range of each other depending on the cycle the plant is in. the potassium/phosphorous is 2 two to one but high calcium and low pH can cause precipitation (calcium phosphate)
I’m guessing it’s a nutrient conflict.
@Shatter is probably right as it looks like a manganese deficiency, but more info would be needed to properly diagnose.
I had that happen one time, if my memory serves me correctly I didn’t do anything about it and that’s all they did. I thought I severly over watered. Lol but it didn’t get any worse and the plant flowered fine I got 5.5 oz from it
@3high5you @Sirsmokes @Closetgrower @Shatter @Thanks guys soon as I get home i will fill out as much info as I can what strenght nutes should they be on for ther age any ideas
If you can just get that support ticket filled in you will get all the answers you need the last thing anyone on this forum would like to do is give worng information and things get worse for you but all off the fine people on here will get you through anything, if I can help you with anything please feel free to ask @Lukey91 .
Thanks @Johnzy81
Hi how do it get one of those tickets guys
I posted the ticket above. Simply copy the text from my post and paste it into the reply box and answer the questions.
What is the strain and type(unknown bag seed, strain name, regular seeds, feminized seeds, auto-flower, etc)? Super cheese fem seed
Indoor or Outdoor? If outdoor, planted in ground or in a container? Indoor
Size of pots ? 15 litre
Size of space (max height and area, length/width)? 1.2w 2.4l 2.0h
Soil or Hydro? Type of Medium used? Brand of soil? System type? Coco perlite ecothrive charge auto pots
pH? Of the soil or medium (root zone/reservoir/run-off) and of the water and/or nutrient mix that is fed to the plant? 5.8 in res and 7 in coco
Type and strength of nutrients used? NPK? EC/TDS/PPM levels? Of what you feed it as well as what is in the water by itself and in the soil/medium (run-off), or reservoir. Dutch pro ec 0.6
Temperature? Day vs. night temp or highest and lowest temps? Root zone temps? 25 day 20 night
Humidity %? Day vs. night day is 42% night 50%
Light system/watts/lumens/FLUX/PAR? Mh 600w
Ventilation system? Size? CFM? CO2? Inlet fan 4 inch exhuast 6 inch AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier?none
Number “weeks/days” from into Season, Vegetative Growth or Bloom/flowering? 4 weeks 3 days from seed in vegging
Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer. Feel free to elaborate, but try to be brief and to the point. Short and to the point questions and/or facts will help us help you.
Just typed a big long reply and got an internal server error, so this is gonna be short sorry!
My guess is the coco needs a really good flush to get the runoff down to 5.8 and you should contact the manufacturer of your nutes to see how to use them with your system.
@3high5you thanks what do I flush it with ph 5.8 water
Aim a little low. Maybe Ph 5.5 or so. You’ll need several gallons per pot. I’m guessing you’re using the nutes at too strong of a PPM for the auto coco system as well, but I am not at all familiar with that brand.
@3high5you thanks will this sort the ph in the soil for good how does it get that high in first place
Coco is notorious for having a high Ph out of the package. The bricks usually need to be flushed really well before use. Ph perfect nutes apparently eliminate this need though, which is pretty cool! I prefer Hydroton to coco myself, but never tried one of the auto feeding systems.
Ok thanks buddy
@3high5you I didn’t realise the ph would change tbh so my ph should really be 5.8 in coco aswel