Well you just answered your own question in a round about way, that little glimmer of light and I for one have had more than a glimmer of light and everything turned out fine
And here’s another way to get fen
Colloidal Silver method
For this method, you will need a very small amount of colloidal silver (pure silver) and distilled water. Put the former into the latter, then, using a spray bottle, apply the resulting mixture onto your female plants while they are flowering. The plants will begin to form pollen sacs (which are normally seen on males). The pollen contains genetic material that is actually totally female – making it highly probable that the marijuana seeds the plant produces will be female.
That was the simple way of describing the process. Actually doing it is much more complex and involves many more details. In addition to the pure silver and distilled water, you need a 9-volt battery and connector, alligator clips, and soldering iron. Sound like too much trouble? Just buy colloidal silver online at this link here
Assuming you have no problem with spending the time and money finding these “ingredients,” the next step in the process is to connect the battery and its connector. Solder the alligator clips onto the red and black wires to form the best electrical current. Then connect these to the silver (probably coins) that you have. Put the silver coins into the distilled water, without allowing the alligator clips or wires to touch the water. Because the water is distilled, this will cause the silver ions to simply float around in the water instead of connecting with other ions.
Download my free marijuana grow guide at this link for more about growing marijuana
Leave this for seven hours or longer – the longer, the better, since it will increase the colloidal silver concentration. That being said, leaving it for too long will cause the particles to eventually become too large.
At this point, you can spray your plants and cause the feminization process to come about. Spray them every day after they have reached their flowering stage, up until they have begun to form male pollen sacs. It should take less than two weeks although the timing can vary. Once you see the sacs, follow the instructions above to normally fertilize your plant.
Take note: NEVER consume or smoke the parts of the plant that you sprayed with the colloidal silver solution (wiki). If you’re not 100% sure about which parts were sprayed, simply discard the entire plant to be safe. The pollen, on the other hand, will be totally safe
Written By Robert Bergman
Posted By Garrian62
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