Help with maximum quality and quantity

Can anyone tell me if my plant is doing what it should? I mean im looking at everyone else’s and they look a lot better than mine. Is there something I’m doing wrong ?

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Here fill out a support ticket

  • What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed
  • Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF
  • Vessels: Pots, Grow beds, Buckets, Troths
  • PH of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable)
  • PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable
  • Indoor or Outdoor
  • Light system
  • Temps; Day, Night
  • Humidity; Day, Night
  • Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
  • AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
  • Co2; Yes, No

What I can tell your not giving it quite enough light from the leaves praying ,but theres a million factors that get great growth humidity being surprisingly important, your nutrient levels seem fine , how often are you watering, and maybe try working in coco next run(or fox farms)


@T-bone as @GreenSnek asked. Fill out the support ticket. It will help every1 to know about ur grow so far without asking so many questions. Number 1 question is what kind of lighy are u usong. Too weak of a light will make for a low yielding plant. U want a good loght for growing indoors. Hlg spider farmer budget led rayon led ect. Hlg being number 1 recommended by all as they have the best of everything starting with customer support. They give detailed specs on lighting without fibbing about any part of it like most blurple companys. Ill be back wayching hope u fill out a ticket. Copy and paste and just fill in next to the questions. Good luck. Looks good besides being on the smaller anorexic side. Give her some meats dangit lol. Drop a spoon of lard in there get so.e fat on her lmao. @CMichGrower @MidwestGuy @yoshi @GreenSnek can u boys advise any good here beside fill out the ticket lol


Will be happy to help with a filled out support ticket. Like to see details on lighting, pH, and PPM, and where the seed came from. This is an auto I assume.

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Looks like u topped a tad too late here.

  • What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed zskittles+Mac
  • Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF
    potting soil
  • Vessels: Pots, Grow beds, Buckets, Troths
    5 gallon planter bucket
  • PH of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable)
    Tap water idk the ph
  • PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable
  • Indoor or Outdoor
  • Light system
    40 watt Florence
  • Temps; Day, Night
    Usually 80 degrees
  • Humidity; Day, Night
    Usually 50-60%
  • Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
  • AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
  • Co2; Yes, No

Hopefully I can do better next run but someone gave the bay clone to me and I am just now trying to just keep it alive. I mean idk that much compared to you. it’s really nice having you guys help out and I’m hoping to be able to produce something. Thank you for your help fr fr

Well theres 75% of your problem you need to ph your water , tap water is .5-1.5 higher then what pot likes

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I’m not as good at all the details as you are and I really like that there is so much involved. I mean I really want this to be a success and think that maybe I might be able to get some product off of this plant but not sure if it’s gonna produce because she does look small for how old she is. Ty so much for your help fr

Do I need to get a water filter or what I’m sorry I’m a rookie lol

Most of us use either distilled or RO (reverse osmosis) water. Distilled can get expensive over time and and RO system is easy to install if you are handy at all.

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Meh I get great results with tap water ( though my tap water is better then most) you have to lower its ph with acidic additives ( like vinegar or hydroponic ph down)


Rainwater works as well! I keep some on tap…


What do I do when my leaves are blotchy yellow and what does that mean

Water is a minor issue compared to the lighting. 40w fluorescent is why your plant is underdeveloped.

Do whatever you like to the water - and you have some good recommendations - but if you’re asking why your plant isn’t big and beautiful it’s because of the light. No amount of clean pH’d water is gonna grow you a big bushy plant with fat buds under a 40w florescent light.

Look into LED lights from HLG or SpiderFarmer or some other brand the smart masses on this site recommend or get a big ass HPS light. Or grow outdoors.


Got a picture? Blotchy could be… a few things. Wont know until we see it.

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I know it was a flowering clone but have a peek at the first pic. Seems to be a lot of white spots on the leaves in the second pic on the bigger fans.



Looks similar to this.

Would this be good for my baby ?

Please help me get this thing right I appreciate all you guys’ help fr you guys are badass and know your shit fr!!!