Help with getting ppm and ph where it needs to be

Promix… the cheaper garden mix and using Jacks.

Oh… and the water is well water. Usually reads 6.1 ph and 30 ppms

That pH should go up some. Looking at your numbers there above, you’re decreasing in pH with every single water.

What are you phing your water to after you mix it?

What is the water you’re using?

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Well water. Usually reads 6.1 ph and 30 ppms. I add a lil sprinkle of baking soda to get it between 6.5 to 6.8 before I feed.

I’ve never used baking soda to adjust pH. I use pH up and down

Nevertheless I would definitely adjust your pH on the feed going in a little higher to get your runoff to somewhere around 6.5

Rest assured your soil is not adjusting the pH by itself.

yes your plans look okay but you’re growing in soil your runoff numbers should not be in the 5’s

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Should I maybe go for a ph of 7 on the next feed?

I would try it.

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I really appreciate your time and help. :heart: Thank you!!

It’s not a problem you’re welcome.

I’m not familiar with results of utilizing baking soda for pH adjustment nevertheless, I know some people do it.

There’s a possibility that the baking soda could be giving you inaccurate readings I’m reaching but it would be an educated guess.

pH up and down is incredibly cheap. Your problem continues I would try pH up and down.

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Thanks for the recommendation! That is a great idea. Wouldn’t hurt to try anyway. :grin: Thanks again!!

Again it’s no problem.

Understand, your runoff numbers mean everything to your grow. It tells you the condition of your soil, what your plants are eating, and dictates what your next feed should be.

In soil, when you see a runoff pH of 5.7 for me that immediately puts up a red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:

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Fed a little today and phed my water a lil higher.

305 ppm
6.95 ph


935 ppm

5.85 ph
588 ppm

Didnt feed NL because she wasnt dr6 enough.

Can yall please help ne with this whenever yall get a chance? Thank you and hope yall are doing great! I was using a tiny tiny pinch of baking soda to raise the oh but I used OH up this tine.

What model/version pro mix did you use. This pH should not be doing this if you’re using pH up.

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When using pro mix you should use pro mix HP if that is the brand you want to use. You’re using pro mix garden the soil is buffered too 5.2 to 5.8 pH

Do not try adjust your pH higher and higher it’s not going to work.

I highly doubt you’re going to get the pH above 5.9 due to that type of soil.

There’s a few options you can try.

1.) You can try adding lime to the soil to raise the pH (I highly doubt that will work)

2.) continue phing your water to 6.5 going in and cross your fingers. Your plant is not showing signs of lockout so you might just be okay. 50/50 Gamble

3.) You could try flushing the hell out of every plant with 6.5 tap water and see if the pH run off comes up. (I don’t recommend this)

4.) switch to Advanced Nutrients PH perfect. The nutrients will be available to your plants in much lower pH zones (like the soil you’re using) This option is 100% guaranteed to work. However you will pick up the expenses of having to switch nutrients.

There’s four solutions for you.


I appreciate you so much @Lostgirl!! :heart: Thank you for the all the advice and many options.




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