Help. These are 8 weeks old (pic)

Welcome, @Freedom21! And thank you for your service, as well. Your plants look good. I agree with @Bogleg on the screen. I used a wooden frame with drywall screws, and then threaded it taut with nylon string. I’m fumbling my way along, just flipped my fourth grow, but learning more every day on this forum. My journal is here is you want to take a look: Closet/Frigidank™ perpetual grow

And everyone is spot on, fill the screen a bit more before you flip. If you have an idea how the strain will stretch, you can use that to gauge exactly when to flip. Too early, you don’t fill your screen and harvest less. Too late, and you run out of space! It’s a try and learn kind of thing, as everyone’s setups are different.

You’re in the right place, lots of friendly, helpful folks around here. Again, welcome, and there’s no such thing as a stupid question! Happy gardening, brother :v: