Help! Nut burn?

Hellou, what is this symptoms i use Aami wilma system watering
My EC is 1.3 and PH 5.8 - 6.0
Temp 26°C and hum. 70%

Is this nutrient BURN?

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What are you growing in? What medium?
That pH could be your problem. The EC at 1.3 is where its supposed to be. If it is nutrient burn it must be old from before the EC was corrected.


Growing in clay pablets…
Why top of flower turn to yellow?

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Howdy Haawk
How far away is your light from plants?

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40 cm on 75% lumatek zeus 600w pro 2.9

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75% at 40cm/15” may be too intense and too close?? Do you have a light meter to check this or the smart phone app PHOTONE? Is this a DWC or RDWC? :love_you_gesture:


Do you have your fan located very closely to the plant itself for airflow purposes? If so, some strains (not all) don’t like a heavy airflow across them. It tends to dry out the available humidity in that area. Just a guess.

@haawk Is that just one plant if so are all the main tops like this even the ones lowest from top


looks like new growth down low got it too, by leaf charts Id say phos toxicity nute burn cuz the brown burned tips goin on some green leaves, otherwise one of the deficiencies like zinc would yellow a leaf then later brown tip I assume anyuway, both refer to thin new grwoth tho…