They will be fine.
The first and second look like they should recover, idk about the 3rd. But it’s possible.
Very nice looking puppy. Blackjack the cat is not so impressed.
Lol, tell him we got cats too.
Gorgeous pup, are we sure the culprit isn’t forgetting to puppy proof?
Teasing, you’ll fix it
Lolol. I knew I should have dogged proofed it.
They should all be alright. In 3 days you probably wont even be able to tell.
Theyll grow right back in a few days to a week or so
Decarb the poop! beautiful pup btw, im sure the plants will be fine… now you can call it a dogsbreath cross strain…
I thought this was a joke post till I read it. Soil looks mighty dry.
You got any pepper spray? A few shots around the pots usually deters dogs. Putting cayanne pepper flakes and powder around your plants will definitely deter the dog.
@Shellbell they’ll come back. Remember its called a weed for a reason lol. My dog did the same thing awhile back ,plants rebounded fine, guess he wanted to get stoned, now everytime i spark, or go into my grow room he’s right there looking at me with kinda a smile his face like…sharing today? And im like um no, then he looks sad. I got a stoner pit…lmao…but i dont get him stoned .
Smoke the dog.
These are some very resilient plants. I believe if it was left withone leaf it will grow many more
Lol, I can’t smoke my Bosco.
@Shellbell you have not posted any new photographs…it has been a couple of days, how are they looking?
I think mine threw up
Picky too huh? I guess he wanted gummies…