Help! My dog ate all the leaves off my plants

I think they are honna make it. Ive got them outside now so im just gonna let them do their thing and hope they do good.


Indeed, they are bouncing back very nicely. Good luck and happy growing.

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You are correct. This was that one plant with one leaf left and it’s starting to grow new ones. Crises averted.


There really isnt a whole lot you can do to a pot plant thats going to kill it. Their resolve to live is unparalleled.

Glad to see your girls are bouncing back. :slight_smile:


Hey Ebb. Its been a week or so since i took pictures of ny plants after the dog got ahold of them. I also had to being them all back in because its turned kinda cold here again for the next week or so. All i have is this one little grow light for 7 plants. Here are some pictures i took today. They look awfully small to me but other then that they are pretty and green. Hopefully it will warm up soon so i can get them back outside in the sunshine.


Haha this is funny! Have him do that again right before flower defoliation!
Might slow them a little but not as much as you would expect! Good looking plants my friend!


Looking great. Told you they would bounce right back. They may be taking thier time now but here in a bit theyll take off faster than you ever imagined.


I sure hope so.

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Have that dog write a gardening book.


Hey Ebb, hope your doing well. I took some pictures tonight of my plants. They are very spindly but pretty and green. Its looking like I might be able to get them back outside by next week🤞🏻. May 10th will be 3 months of growth from seeds. Are they small or is it me?


Well they did have to start over. They look strong and healthy now. how are the roots?

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Lots of roofs.

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They arent big thick roots just a big ole clump. Looks like very thin spaghetti.

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I finally got these little girls outside in some real sunshine. They are 3 months old now. The leaves started to get brown right on the very ends of them. Im hoping it was just a light deficiency and getting them outside in the sun will help. I value your opinion so do you

think they look pretty good after what they been through?

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I was late to see this post. I’m glad your girls survived the attack you’re a better man than me because that dog would have went to the farm that afternoon. Good luck bro great post

They look great!

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Yay I’m glad you think so.

My question is…why is there so little soil in those pots. Answer to your question is, they might be ok. You will however struggle producing much with such small pots and so little soil.

Can i add dirt at this point?

I put a 5 gallon bucket of dirt in each pot. Those are some really big pots too. I will try and put some more dirt around them.