So the seedlings start to wilt or curl downwards after about 2 weeks, is that correct?
How long do they live for before they die?
How big are they when they die?
Anything else that you can think of that you do to them?
You don’t need high humidity for them to grow. We have 30-40% humidity here during summer and the seedlings grow fine. You can increase it if you like and most people say 60% is ideal but it won’t be what’s causing the problem.
Lower humidity means you normally need to water more often but you have to test the soil to see if it needs moisture. I stick my finger in the top of the soil. Push it in about 1 inches for small containers (like your cups) and 2 inches for bigger pots, see if it’s damp. It it’s dry, then water it so the water drains out the bottom.
Don’t let them sit in water though because that causes root rot and the plants wilt and die even though the soil is damp.
You don’t need to use reverse osmosis (r/o) water for plants. Plants need nutrients and trace elements (including chlorine, copper, zinc) so tap water is normally fine unless it contains toxic chemicals, in which case r/o is better for you, your pets, and the plants.
If you do use r/o water, you will need to add calcium, magnesium and a full range of plant nutrients to the water so they don’t get deficiencies.
I soak seeds overnight in warm tap water, then remove most of the water and let them sit in a thin layer of water. When they start to show a root, they get sown into potting mix or coconut coir.
As soon as they are sown, I give them a good drink with fertilizer water and then don’t water again until the soil starts to dry out (finger test). In hot or dry climates you can put some plastic lunch wrap or a sheet of glass on top of the containers to trap moisture and stop the seed from drying out, but remove it as soon as you see the seedling start to emerge.
Don’t bother with a humidifier. You can increase the humidity around the plants by having the pots sitting above a tray of water or having cups/ containers of water next to the plants.
eg: get a plastic storage container and put a couple of inches of water in that. Then get a smaller plastic container and put the pot plants in that. Put the smaller container with the plants in, in the bigger container with the water. The pot plants will be separated from the water but the humidity around the plants will go up quite a lot.