Hey again all.
Outdoor grow in MA, raised bed, my usual soil mix of:
well-rotted, composted horse & chicken manure
my own compost, turned & sifted etc
llama/alpaca manure
coco coir, peat moss, existing topsoil/garden soil in yard
Espoma Tomato-Tone dry fert
Lime (soil is naturally acidic here, 4.5 if I don’t correct it)
Strains in this bed: ILGM Bubba Kush, Black Widow, Skywalker
BK and BW are showing much more of these symptoms than the Sky.
I use a rotation of organic pest/disease mgmt including Conserve (spinosad), Grandevo, Venerate, Regalia, Double Nickel, Milstop, OxiDate and others.
Everyone knows the weather’s been psycho this year; here we’ve had rain, rain, rain, cold dips, a 3 week run of 90˚F days & 75˚F nights with 80-90% humidity, currently back to cooler nights and 80˚F days. This much rain has led to root rot in other areas of my yard but usually the raised beds can drain. Expecting some loss of nutrients due to excessive rain, not something I typically have to deal with. Everything looked fine until last week. Given the environmental issues I’ve been stripping lower leaves and trimming out smaller, less productive stems more than usual as I’ve had nasty fungal issues in similar weather over the years. Lower leaf yellowing to the normal degree suddenly intensified and started moving up the plants,(fixed nute issue?) along with blotching and then overnight going brown & dead. I’ve so far given an epsom salt & Tomato-Tone boost to the soil and foliar cal-mag given the symptoms, but a few more sets of eyeballs would be appreciated as to what may be going on here. The odd part is finding tiny new growth along stems withered brown/dead along with the leaves (before I did any spraying). Other grows I used the same spray mix on are not showing these symptoms. Phosphorus issue maybe, along with the others?
All the leaves on the sheet of paper are from the same plant.
The plants look sparse because of all the removal of extraneous stems/leaves, and the weather hasn’t helped; most years they look far more robust than this.