Help! I wanna hear your experience with drying and the hay smell? I’m stressed!😀

Hello all.

Ok so, this is my 3rd dry, cure etc. from everything I have read it says that the grassy hay chlorophyll smell is preventable With proper air flow,temp,humidity, etc etc, I have a pretty good understanding of everything and what needs to be accomplished, so I don’t need tips on any of that lol. My question is…. Is it really preventable or does it happen every time you dry even in the perfect environment? Again this is my 3rd time, other than my first grow, the unpleasant smells all went away with proper cure, time, and storage in grove bags, I’m just scared from my first attempt “of course” that the grassy hay smell won’t go away.

I’d love to hear your experiences, tips, and words of encouragement, it’s just stressful that I’ve taken all the suggestions, bought equipment, and it still smells that way? Thank you

Buy the way my current situation is I’m on day 3 of hanging, buds are still nice and soft, spaced far apart, exhaust fan on low, 66-70 temp about 63 rh

Love you guysngals this forum rocks and I’ve already learned a lot thank you.


I’m not so sure it is preventable. Where did you read this? I’d like to see what was said. Every dry I’ve ever done has smelled of hay until about half way through the cure. My drying conditions are always nearly ideal. I see no reason to stress over it.


have only got the hey smell 2 times. And when drying. After they had cured for 3 weeks. The smell was back. I am not sure you can really change things once it happens. You kind of have to ride it out. Just my 02


Sounds like you’re on track for good slow drying period. 7 to 10 days. During and after cure aroma should come roaring back. Happy growing :v:


I do not want to tell you something you already know but hey, since you asked the question, maybe you haven’t researched this topic in depth. The hay/grass smell that your cannabis is giving off comes from chlorophyll. If you dry and cure your cannabis correctly, the chlorophyll breaks down and the smell goes away. If you dry your cannabis too fast, the chlorophyll won’t have time to break down fully. That isn’t ideal, but the smell will go away if you wait, and you can still enjoy your cannabis. How long it takes for the smell to disappear completely depends on how it was dried, but you shouldn’t have to wait longer than four weeks.

On a side note, I just harvested some BB Muffin. It really never smelled unless you touched the plant. There was no aroma coming off the plant filling my house like the GFOG. But, once I started the dry and cure, after 4 weeks in the grove bag, it only smelled of blueberries.


Didn’t mean to come off as a jerk if I sounded like that, sorry lol

Thank you so much for your opinion and expertise. You are explaining it exactly as I understand it, I guess I’m just reading the wrong material? What I’ve come up with is the hay smell is from not properly drying?? Well anyway I trust you guys and I already feel better. :v:


Nope, I just didn’t want to tell you something you already knew if that was the case. You did not come off like a Yerk.

AS for what you found on google, Not your fault. Just part of the process. The hay smell is the off gassing of the chloro and most of us go through it and come out on the other side with beautifully smelling smoke. Especially with the grove bags. I am ol skool and have always used mason jars but once I tried the grove bags, that was the end of the jars.

There are so many good (great) growers here and all of us want to succeed. That is why I love this forum vs others I have seen but not been a part of. So many snarky comments. We were all new growers at some point right?


Smells good for about the first 2 days then the smell. Thanks for straighting me out

Whenever I Google “drying hay grassy smell” everything I come up with says it’s my fault? Sorry not one particular read.


here is a decent post about drying and curing.

Let us know in a week or two how awesome it smells then…


avoidable? I don’t really think so. The chlorophyll stink comes from the plant dying and the chlorophyll leaving as much as it can. Better airflow ameliorates how much you really smell it, but I think it always happens.

For whatever it’s worth, I’ve left plants hanging for literal months at ~30% RH in a dark closet before trimming it up. After a reasonable time curing (30 days or more) with a 62% Boveda pack inside of a Grove Bag, I have zero issues. The funk always returns.

There’s fancy stuff out there, but just regular ol’ mason jars or Grove bags work great.


Thanks everyone I really appreciate it. Makes more sense now.


I’ve been curing for about 7 or 8 weeks in grove bags and it still smells like hay but taste amazing I don’t no what I didn’t wrong maybe dried to fast but it has never smelled like it did right before harvest


I seldom have strains with NO hay smell to start. Some are stronger than others. It will go away within 2 weeks of cure. Always happens so no worries.

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Yeah, I wouldn’t know the why if been curing for 7 weeks. For all of my past grows, once they are dried slowly 7-10 days, and placed in the groves, the hay smell is gone. Maybe just that one plant?


Sorry didnt read well enough. 7 weeks should be gone if its gonna go. Used to get lids like that. If stony then doing its job.


I have a fix for it. :grin: Move it into a used grove bag that smells like the last plant. It will absorb some of the smell and should remove the hay smell. But that is odd to cure that long and not get any smell back I would think.

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Oh my drying cures always smell like hay somewhere within the process. Never have I had the end result smell or taste like hay.

I had a really bad hay smell on Girl scout cookie extreme. It’s been 2 months in Grove bags and it’s now smells like I opened a gigantic box of fresh fruity pebbles. Ignore the hay smell it will go away.


If I break the bud up they smell amazing 1 is bananimal and one rum runner and they both have a piney lemon taste and will definitely put you in the couch just the bay smell is still there hopefully it will go away in a couple more weeks

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I did have a fast dry tho wich isn’t ideal and probably why it’s got the bay smell I think I was dried in 3 or 4 days…

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Thanks for the explanation I’m going through this right now and I’m in Masson jars so it’s burp burp burp and then burp again :joy:
Burping for me is no problem :grin:

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