Help? Bud browning on 1 branch?

Ok so on 2 of my plants i have this, buds are turning brown? No holes in leaves no puncture holes, no poop. Is this cause of bug or what? Oh and buds right next to them look fine yet it dose seem to spead, any advice is very much needed. Here some pics

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Perfectly normal. As your plant matures it will discontinue supporting the pistils on older bud calyx and instead concentrate on producing more in the hopes of catching pollen. You are seeing the first stages of the plant starting to “stack”. It’s all a good thing. You want big fat colas because they will shrink radically when dry. Think “Coca Cola can”. That’s what you’re shooting for.


Yea but my big one thats got it is only 2 weeks into flower?

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I think you’re fine. A little sunburn maybe. Good to watch the plant and see how she progresses through her life cycle.

Really; you’re fine.


@Hogmaster could i ask for some of your input as well?

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Yeah @ryry it’s normal I have a plant that did the same outdoors and it popped more pistols out and then back to normal you will be good buddy

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So with a closer look on the bottom of this leaf looks like bugs? Are these maybe not bugs?

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Look like dust

I hope so lol

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You would see them moving if they were I would believe

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Yea thats what i started to think. I’ll let her go and just keep a close eye on it as she progresses. Thanks for all the input i really appreciate it.

Look for broad russet mites… they are tinny lil sob’s… about the size of a tricom tip… :wink:
But it looks like critters to me…


I know huh well I’ve been looking every day and still no sightings of legs or any movement. It almost looks like these buds are maturing faster and not really growing much?

That’s a tall tale sign of broad russet mites… look on the actual buds… they are super tinny… hard to see unless you have a 100× lens…
They manly attack the buds , unlike alot of other bugs… the only other place that you might see them is in veg right where the leaves split… like I said , very hard to see… but everything your saying is pointing to these lil ba$terd$…


I had the exact same thing on one of my current ladies. I had no idea what caused it, but I chopped the fu<€er off about 5-6 inches below it. I’ve had no recurrences not any ill effects from the dark bud. I was about 4 weeks into flowering. Here is a pic:

The other buds were much lighter and healthier looking. I would consider chopping it off.

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For comparison this was a healthy 4 week old bud.

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Ya … you really have to look right down into the bud to see them… they are nasty lil f’rs…
Everywhere that has gotten the green light on growing is going to have to deal with these lil f’rs… the last 2 years the government has let these lil f’rs loose in the emerald triangle and the crazy thing is they said it was to fight off some beetles that where attacking the trees… a friend of mine put the 2 together to see what and how they attacked the beetle… it didn’t do anything to the beetles… the only thing they seem to attack is budding cannabis plants… :thinking::upside_down_face::confused::worried::angry::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
Seems like to much of a coincidence to me… trying to stop us before we even get started…
Ya this will be a problem for all of us in the future… if you haven’t dealt with them yet… you will… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:



Alright well after work a chopping i will go lol better safe than sorry!

Dont chop… fight… lol… help them through to harvest… get some (green cleaner) and spray religiously until they are at least not so vigilant …
And clean with water and hydrogen peroxide as you harvest… dont give up so easily… your plants are not mature enough to harvest… :wink:



Oh i know i meant chop off the bad branches and fight for the rest! Came home and looked at a bud and bam found white worm looking things? Is this what those mites are? Heres a pic of those little Basterds!

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