Help? Bud browning on 1 branch?

Yes… your in for a fight… sorry my friend… :neutral_face:


Dammm well that sucks! :unamused:

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It’s just a part of growing… just think if this was tomatoes or broccoli or any other form of food for your family… you might starve this year… not funny at all when you really think about it… :thinking:
It’s a social injustice in a sense… :face_with_raised_eyebrow::angry::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Well the war has begun i think my army can triumph over this pesky invasion fingers crossed. One bottle down getting more tomorrow. DIE you sons of beaches!!!


Alright been over a week and no new brown buds and the effective one seem to be back on growing like the others. 2 or 3 more weeks untill the cut!


Sounds and looks about right @ryry :wink: beautiful

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