Heat stress ? ...something more?

So this has really started to go downhill in the last few days in my eyes, getting worried now. First thought heat/light stress but now I’m leaning nutes perhaps. Leaves seem to be pretty consistently crispy on edges, yellowing browning tips and then they too crumble away. Even ones NOT right under lights. They were nice and green 2-3 weeks ago with no browning or crumbling then started praying a bit too much I thought so I just pulled the lights up 6-8 inches. They were 18" or so away from tops before my raise 2 days ago. I was trying to maximise light and minimize stretch in the first few weeks of flower.

I am in soil (Fox Farm/ Sunshine #4 peat mix amended well) in a 20x11x8 room running 5000w 2x Dimlux pro series, 3x old school xxxl hoods. Co2 in mostly sealed room. I am 3-4 weeks into flower and have been having issues with fungus gnats as well for 3-4 freaking weeks (so maybe finally made their way to roots, hope not). Can’t seem to shake them I have used at different times through this nemotods, green clean, big time exterminator doing the mosquito bit (BTI) tea now. I DO already use a BTI product (BMC Microbe lift) in MY own tea mixture but thought maybe it expired or just not working.

Everyday seems a new problem to solve…“one by one I’ll knock you out”…



Overall I think your plants look good. I see slight nute burn on the tips of leafs. When you do water to run off I would check the PPM and pH. And make adjustments accordingly. Yellow sticky papers will help with the gants. Good luck moving forward.

Thanks yeah I was real happy up until a day or two ago, aside from of course the freaking gnat problem I am battling still. Stickies have been up and replaced for weeks, several other methods tried and failed it would seem in the midst of one now. No run off from beds tonight, I usually do not have runoff honestly. I have 2 pots on the sides of my beds runoff on them was 1050ppm range for each. My plain water was at around 50ppm and PH was 7.4. One of the beds had a small amount and tested at 300 which seems very odd. I’ll take more readings hopefully in the next few days. I have seen all kinds of numbers of what they should be and at this point do not know what to think.

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