Healthy growth or Nitrogen deficiency?

Hey guys.

So I have these two little girls…Least I hope they are girls. They’ve been in my bathroom up until yesterday. The soil I am using is called Cannaharvest White Lightning

It has a few more weeks before needing more nutes to be added but I was wondering. Does this seem like a nitrogen deficiency or just need more lighting? The light I had them under was a basic mars hydro light.

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I believe their “4 - 6 weeks” doesn’t apply in starter cups. Maybe 5gal and up. Nice plants though and they do look N def


Agree with @Jaysittinback :love_you_gesture:


Its funny.

This soil is one of 2 i used .

The other was ff HF and it looks like it has almost too much nitrogen :laughing:

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How many days should I allow? They still seem very healthy but they have that light green.

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Do you know what the soil numbers are? Those plants are older enough to run PH water through for run off testing :love_you_gesture:

Not off the top of my head.

This was taken this morning. The one in the middle just doesn’t want to cooperate.

The one on her left is the same plant and you can tell its happier