Has anyone used a THC detox that actually works?

I have a UA coming up. I’m just wondering if anyone has used something that actually works. Every article includes paid links so I don’t trust anything they say. I have around 10 days until the test.

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Clear flush is what I used to use, it requires you be smoke/toxin free including alcohol for 3 full days. Never had a failed test when instructions are followed. It’ll clean you up for most of the day like 6 hours or so. No masking agents either so it’s lab friendly. The 3 days is key.

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Zitazone I think is where I used to order it from, the product is made by Heartsun or hartson or something like that, Amazon doesn’t carry it.

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Thank you for the information. I should have been more clear. I don’t know when the test will be, if I’ll be driven to it, or if I’ll be told just to go take one. I’m wanting to detox my system as a precaution. I’m not sure if theres really anything that can he done other than drinking water, eating healthy, and exercise.

I may pick some of this up as a just in case they tell me to go take a test. I hope they do it this way as I would have the day to get it done.

It’s the only one I’ve used that works, it’s less water and liquid to drink when compared to the other detox drinks. It works within about an hour of drinking it and lasts for about 6 hours. Drink it pee 2-3 times before your test and good to go, I used it for parole and probation tests, so it is a product I would recommend if needed.

Also dollar tree sells 50ng thc tests for just $1, 50ng/ml is the standard cutoff test limit for nearly all thc tests. I use these before I would go test just so I wasn’t nervous and jittery during the test. Good luck

Unless it’s for court/probation, I’ve never been observed during a drug test. I just use a Wiz A Nator.


Second that notion, unless it’s for criminal activity or supervision, it’s a violation of your rights for anyone to observe you while in a restroom, even when my employers had me go to a dedicated testing facility I was still behind a closed door.

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It’s for work but I’ve had a previous employer where their policy was to drive you to the UA.

It’s a great opportunity and I’ll literally be making double what I used to be making so I don’t want to miss it

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Same here :love_you_gesture:

Sounds like you know what time it is lol. Just think how baked you’ll be when you pick it back up. Lmao tolerance refresh.


Abstinence is best solution. I have had to spend decades with no grass.


How long does the urine stay warm using that?

Yes, I’ve stopped smoking.

I don’t use but I remember my husband having to take one. He got a cleanse thing from the vitamin cottage and they suggested goldenseal and a vitamin that turns your urine a nice yellow instead of looking like water.

If they don’t test for adulterants and you are not on camera you can add horseradish juice which is a strong oxidizer. Last drug test they make me empty my pockets, take off my hat, and leave all personal items behind. I think I even had to remove my shoes.

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I’m going to have to get rid of this :pensive:. Good thing its about to be Christmas.



Kept me out of jail in my 20’s. Comes in different colors for all shades of human.

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With no cleanse, It really depends, on your BMI. Being fat soluble it is stored in your body fat. It can take months if you have a heavier build. The skiny bodies tend to only need a few weeks. The average (for daily use stoners) with average BMI is about a month.

Not anticdotol. Ironically, after Wa state went legal rec all the hospitals I did fishtanks in sent a letter declaring all 3rd party vendors would loose access to the hospitals without passing a cannabis drug test first. Yikes :scream_cat:. They said they test for adulterants but you only had to pass once. And you could go back till you passed at the 3rd party test center. No eyes in the bathroom stalls. Leave the cup in a little door where they test the temp immediately. Anyway, we all (30 employees) tested clean in the first month mostly being average BMI (physical job). But the 2 bigger guys it took them damn near 8 months to piss clean.
Everyone who worked there are stoners. The boss would have a tray of buds at the Christmas party. I promise if you have a fish guy he likes to smoke.

I have my own business now doing the same thing. Working for myself is a more family friendly schedule. No drug tests. For some reason my clients these days seem to be green friendly homes and businesses.

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Stay hydrated abstinence and healthy foods. I can usually pee clean after 14 days or so, the dollar tree thc tests are a cheap and effective way of checking yourself to see if your clean.