Got a tent combo 2x2x5 well this is as far as I can get it up, it will NOT fit over the steel frame unless I’m doing something bad wrong. Please, someone help!.
They can be real tight. You have to barely start one side and then do the same with the other, then work them both down. It can be a real pain.
Mine was a real pita to set up as well. But I was persistent and managed to get it done.
Ok, start at the bottom obv like I’m doing tho right? Which side from there? Man I guess I’m gonna just keep hacking at it
@Firewater hi that looks fun we’re are tour latters at my friend
And I would like to say get tour kid or girlfriend to help you out some
You don’t want to have that online carbon fall over hit you in head or something ain’t it heavy
I’d get the light and filter out so you can lay it down if necessary. Like others said they can be tight. Just keep playing with it and is should go on. Try not to force it and damage a seam.
Running the risk of feeling like a ass, but isn’t the piece that you have sitting on top of frame actually the tray that goes inside of tent. If it is, then it won’t fit outside of frame. I’m probably wrong but you shouldn’t have a piece of tent separate from the whole tent. The only separate piece would be the tray that fits inside of tent. What do you think @MidwestGuy @Bubblehead @Firewater
I was guessing it was the roof, and they are a pain. On second look though, I do see a velcro tab on the outside and it might indeed be the floor. Good catch. Yeah, that won’t fit at all.
Edit: yeah, those velcro tabs means it is the floor.
Good catch
Awesome catch! That would make it a little more difficult.
My first tent was a loft tent 8x4. I actually crawled inside it. Dragged the poles in one at a time, fitted the base all together then worked up the sides. Wrestled with the roof and it faught me every step of the way till it locked together. Sweating like a beast I climbed out feeling triumphant then I saw the zips along the line of the floor and roof. Boy did I feel like a dumbass. All that was bad enough but to do it in a loft as well
I think everyone has trouble putting their first tent together. My first was a 4x4 ,didn’t have as much trouble as you’re describing but I bet I turned that thing 23 different ways before I finally got it lined up.
I can imagine a 4x4 could go a few ways before finding the right way. I have a broken brain and boy does it trip me up now and again
I fight mine every time I take them down and put them up. Don’t ask how I fight them on the way down. It’s a long story.
The piece you have on the top is the floor tray that goes inside the tent after it’s all together.