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Welcome @TheAbu95 and thanks for tagging along. I actually use both of these the dyno I put in the transplant hole. The powder on the left I coat the entire root ball with it before I put it in the hole. They thrive over it. I actually have a bunch of mushroom spores I was thinking about squirting some of that in there :muscle:


Welcome @MinnesotaGrown glad to have you board!

Believe it or not I actually do not top my autos. I have nothing against it. As for going straight into the final home with your seed thereā€™s absolutely nothing wrong with that Iā€™ve had great success. My only reason for transplanting is to get these two items onto the root system that you canā€™t do going straight into the pot



The girls have hit their 30-day mark. The plants are actually starting to stretch in the last 24 hours so the stretches on. :seedling:

All of the girls are looking very calmag deficient right now. And thatā€™s okay. Their next feed which will probably be tomorrow each girl will get 250EC of Cal mag and within a couple days theyā€™ll be nice and dark.

The girls have been very receptive to their new feeding schedule and nutrients that I supply. The recovery from the bad soil is coming along just fine. Takes a little time. I also found out last night the bag of soil was a year and a half hour date (I donā€™t know if that even matters but thank you Amazon)


My forever homesā€™ soil has the following:

Rhizophagus intraradices
Funneliformis mosseae
Septoglomus deserticola

Is this stuff not sufficient for any specific reasons?

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Are there no local places to get organic soil anywhere near you?

Mozzy itā€™s 100% beneficial that your soil comes pre-charged with Mycorrhizal. I simply like to get the added benefit of adding additional straight to the root ball. :v:

I actually have a place that sells it very cheap like $25 a bag. Itā€™s about a 25-30 minute drive and I usually pick up several bags. Unfortunately, when I was ready to start the grow I had a very bad flu that basically had me confined to the bed. I decided to simply purchase it from Amazon for $35

I believe Iā€™m going to try Coco loco next time as Iā€™ve read way too many posts of this Happy Frog soil PH issue. I just donā€™t have time for problems straight out of the bag if you know what I mean.


Dinner time. I love these subs they weigh about 2 lb. Iā€™m going to finish my dinner and Iā€™ll come back and weā€™ll talk about how we feed these girls!


The one of the left your supposed to be able to feed the roots by mixing with water. Though ill be mixing in into the hole and on the roots when its transplanted. I literally just bought a bag 2days ago awaiting for it to arrive lol. Getting prepped for my next grow. Trying something new gona start in solo and then transplant. :metal:


Youā€™re correct you can utilize this by mixing in water or by putting directly into the soil. I donā€™t use it in water with feed as I have tons of other microbial live life and food that I feed them weekly with.

I kind of go overboard on the microbial life but itā€™s that important to me. If you scroll up to my nutrients list youā€™ll see I use at least four different types of live and feed microbial products.

I just find mixing the powder directly onto the root ball itself is a major bonus when transplanting


Tagging along for the ride. Curious about how much water did you have to flush thru for the soil ph issue? I have had some ph issues recently with my current bag of ff soil.


Thanks for tagging along bud. Thatā€™s a fantastic question :+1:

How much water to use is basically up to the reason youā€™re flushing. I was flushing to discharge the entire pre-charged nutrients that Happy Frog had stored.

I wanted to leave about 1300ppm of charge in the soil so I had one additional watering left while I figured out what my next move was going to be on fixing the soil.

Basically i ph 3 gallons of rainwater to 6.5 the first two gallons I ran through with straight rainwater pH the 6.5 the next gallon that I used which was the last gallon I put a small amount of Base nutrients only along with a little calcium magnesium to give the plan a little something something on the back end.

Each gallon I used I poured slowly and after each gallon I checked the ppms until I reached 1600 ppms which was my desired amount that I wanted in the soil.

What happened at that point couldnā€™t have worked out any better. I was able to start feeding them myself with my own nutrients and fix the soil problem as my last gallon of water that I poured through with the small amount of feed pH at 6.2


Is that something you have been using? A pen pal of mine was telling me about it and he says it works wonders.

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Yes, Iā€™ve use this all along. I use to mix it in the 50lbs of soil itself but I figured that was getting pretty damn expensive and I started looking at other options thatā€™s when I came up with specific microbial life & Mycorrhizal Inoculants to add into the feeds to make it much cheaper and more efficient in my opinion.


Good to know. I have made a few changes for this next grow and im excited to see what kinda changes i see. :metal:


Letā€™s face it weā€™ve all done a lot of reading watched a lot of videos asked a lot of questions read some books, grow a little weed, and whatever else to learn are wonderful hobby of weed growing.

I took every single bit of that knowledge and I formed my own way of doing things. Some tested to work some didnā€™t. What works for me might not work for you. The moral to this story is we all formed our own unique way of growing.

Iā€™ll tell you what Iā€™ve done and for the most part Iā€™ll tell you why. I will never turn these posts into debates or arguments. One grower to the next trying to help each other in a brotherhood thatā€™s all this is!

.I cut up a lot. I make a lot of jokes I even have that dark sense of humor but I take my growing very serious.

I just wanted to get that out of the way :v:


Have yall ever made a liquid/slurry with the Mycorrhizal Inoculants? I did this with my last autoā€™s and the stalks are crazy big. I used the mixture to water them as seedlings. I used the dynomyco brand.


I personally havenā€™t but that sounds like a wonderful idea


The mixture will settle, I mixed it in a 16oz water bottle. Just shake it up good before using. Not saying it works but, i didnt seem to hurt.


I have not. Im still finishing up my current grow(probably another week or 2) but after that is when im going to incorporate the Mycorrhizal Inoculants :metal:

And @Lostgirl i hear ya! I have had 3runs so far and havent got much bud off them let alone decent smoke lol. Just changing some thingā€™s to see if theres a difference


Okay Iā€™ll get into a little bit about how I feed the girls. Since my precharge soil is 100% diminished and I have taken over the physical responsibility of feeding them the nutrients that they need to survive, thrive, and be happy & healthy.

Some of the things Iā€™m going to tell you, youā€™re going to think is absolutely crazy but remember when I said in my last post, I adopted my own twisted way of growing and doing things

First off, I donā€™t use a feeding schedule. I donā€™t use a manufactured recommended dose. The most important thing I want to point out is these plants are autoflowers. They do not require a lot of nutrients whatsoever.

Youā€™re going to notice youā€™ll never hear me much say ppm. I donā€™t use PPM Ī¼S/cm EC (Iā€™m sure you know thatā€™s electro-conductivity measurement.

I monitor runoff by Ī¼S/cm EC - I measure my nutrient feed going into the plants by EC some people use PPM I use EC so hopefully I donā€™t lose the guys that donā€™t know what you see readings are.

I use a very accurate 5 in 1 meter to monitor the soil and the feeds. Itā€™s incredibly accurate & it does everything

Let me give you a small piece of advice. If youā€™re using one of these meters below you might want to think about getting something different. 98% of anything that looks like this is junk

With that said, Iā€™m sure youā€™re asking yourself how do I feed without a feed chart or recommended doses.

My approach to feeding is knowing their diet. My auto flowers have a strict diet of 1000 EC - 1300 EC this is the runoff numbers that tell me my plant is eating, happy, and healthy.

Those particular readings from the runoff EC will dictate what I feed them on their next feed. To maintain the proper runoff EC youā€™ll need to feed them the proper EC of nutrients to achieve that number in runoff.

Feeding for me is that simple. Itā€™s purely mathematical. If your plant doesnā€™t like it sheā€™s going to tell you. Iā€™ve become very good at reading plants (my plants)

Itā€™s important to me to never give any type of additive preference over base nutrients. When I feed my plants the majority is bass nutrients.

In preference, I use rainwater to feed them. If for some reason I run out of rainwater I use R/O water. If I run out tomorrow water I take my ass to the Walmart and buy some distilled water. The reason I use this is they for the most part have a 0-5 EC value. This is important for me because I want to feed my plants what I want to feed my plants and since itā€™s mathematical if I use tap water that has a 310 EC straight out of the sink and Iā€™m feeding at 600 EC that means my plant is only getting 290 EC of nutrients because of the 310 EC of God only knows what you have coming out of your tap water. Itā€™s all mathematical

If you notice from the nutrient that lets above I use a lot of different nutrients. Itā€™s important to know exactly what to use and when to use it and how much to use. When youā€™ve mastered that youā€™ve mastered your feeding


Iā€™m inā€¦