Guaranteed To Be A đŸ’© Show!

So at around day 35 you start using your AN nutes? Or do you start a little sooner but with a diluted dose? I use the AN pH Perfect line as well, also use Rhino Skin to give the stalks extra strength, helps support big buds! But I use ProMix not FF soil, altho thinking of changing for next run with new autopot system getting for Xmas! Finish using the AN stuff on outdoor plants this summer.

Looking good for 4 weeks, you’ll get a nice harvest off of those!


tragedy hits the tent in more ways than one

We’re about 15 days in from transplant everything’s looking really good but I made a huge huge rookie mistake. And used to advance nutrients pH perfect system. You basically don’t even check the pH when using the pH perfect system.

Although I’ve been documenting all of my runoff numbers I wasn’t paying attention to them. On the morning water I noticed that the runoff pH had dropped a 4.7 I quickly review the numbers from the few previous waterings and noticed that I had the dreaded Fox farm Happy Frog pH swing.

Basically Happy Frog soil had some serious issues in certain runs where the pH dips very low regardless of you controlling the 6.5 pH level going in. Although my girls weren’t quite affected yet it was only a matter of time before everyone got sick and a disaster was coming. I immediately start to research this as I have had nothing but success in the past and never experienced this problem.

There were very few solutions and most of them didn’t work from what I was reading it seemed that lime added to the soil could help but only in about 20% of the cases. These are autoflowers they’re unforgiving to certain things and I felt this would be one that could tragically hurt the girls by locking them out of everything.

I went with my gut feeling that the only way to get on top of them was to flush the pre-charged soil and start my own nutrients and let the pH perfect system do its thing. The gamble paid off :sweat_smile:

I was able to discharge down to 1800 PPM and about 6.1 runoff pH this would allow me one or two more just Waters before I started adding my nutrients and to see if the pH stayed up.

Luckily everything worked out and now we’re 30 days into the grow and everything is looking beautiful the girls are getting extremely bushy


Typically you’re correct. At about 35 days watering normally you would run off all of your pre-charged nutrients from Happy Frog soil. However, me personally I want to start the nutrients that I want to put in the plant a lot sooner so from the minute I transplant I run off every feed making my pre-charged soil only last about 2-1/2 weeks

When the ppms of my runoff hit 800 to 900 I will start feeding them reduced doses of advanced nutrients. Basically I utilize the runoff and that tells me how much I can feed it on the next feed. It becomes nothing but a mathematical process.


Okay I wanted to leave this part out but I guess I got to put it out there anyway. Most of you know me I’m a clumsy person. If it’s going to happen and you’re grow it’s going to happen to me!

I was about 10 days into the grow and if you notice from the above list of plants that I have Chemdawg was the one that I really wanted badly. It is such a wonderful stain.

So we’re at 2 weeks into the grow. it’s early in the morning I got a lot going on in the tent I’m at a coffee. I’ve got the plants pulled out to water them and inspect them I’m dealing with limited space I generally sit on a black milk crate to do all my work in the tent

I go to sit on the Black milk crate and the crate felt spongy and my A$$ felt wet. You guessed it I sat on the damn plant. I smashed it flat as a pancake and it let off a dank smell of weed that stretched two blocks. So I’m assuming the weed smell of dankness is simply a defense mechanism for the plant?

I used every three and four letter word you could possibly imagine I was so pissed off I get up I look at the plant the fact that she was approximately 15 days old her stems hadn’t hardened yet they were still flexible so nothing physically broke in half I basically super cropped every stem in her body.

Not giving up I apologized to her I even bought her a toy. I gave her a little kiss and put her back in the tent. 2 days after I sit on her I started seeing White hair. Yep I forced her into flowering!

There is a bright side. She lived she bounced back she is stunted she is flowering but she’s alive happy and healthy

Say hello to my little friend


What a wild ride catching up. Lol. I haven’t sat on a plant, but I’ve put heavy things on top of them before. They bounce back fairly quickly, and you’d never know unless I told you. The plants are very resilient.

Awesome journal so far, I’m definitely strapped in for the ride, I’m sure there will be more excitement in the future, but hopefully not for your sake. Lol.
Happy growing! :seedling:


Okay, we’re not even 30 days into this grow and we done went to hell & back.

Let’s get into some positivity I want to take you back to yesterday all the girls have been happy and healthy they’re 29 days old everybody was looking good. Bushy as can be getting ready for the stretch this is where I like to take the opportunity to Tea-Bag the girls (I believe you call it lollipopping)

I know a lot of people like to wait until after the stretch I like to do it before the stretch as I can hit them with some adjusted low stress training and lollipopping all in one sitting.

Some may say why would you do all that one time possibly having a threat of stressing them out. That’s a great question. One would think it’s a little much nonetheless I’ve not had any plants stress in doing these two procedures if doing it right at 30 days and the veg.

(Did I just ask myself and answer my own question?) Lord help me :pray:

Okay so here we are day 29 today we’re all caught up on the first part of my grow!

Welcome to my :poop: $hit Show


Thanks for tagging along. We appreciate you!


Appreciate you just the same! Love watching cannabis grow.

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Okay guys here’s where I need your opinion. This is a little thing but it can get confusing.

My seeds pop dirt on November 23rd (exactly 29 days ago today) I have no idea what week of what stage my girls are in. I’ve got a couple that have been flowering for 2 weeks now some that are in pre-flower some that haven’t even began to flower.

This is what I consider it (and I’m sure it’s wrong but I want your feedback)

Seedling stage.
starts when I put it in a Solo cup to soak. I call it seedling stage ended the day I transplanted???

Vegetation stage.
Vegetation stage starts the second the seed is transplanted???

Flowering stage
I consider flowering stage starting four to five weeks after veg or once you have some bud sites forming LOL ???

Help me out with this guys


Haha guess only time will tell!

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In all sincerity I don’t really care when the stage starts begins or ends. When I feed my plants I don’t feed them as what stage they’re in. I feed them is how much they want to eat.

The only reason I need to know how many weeks are they in flower is because you know dog gone well as soon as I ask somebody about my trichomes they’re going to say “how many weeks of flower is it”


Bud sites forming, takes about 2 weeks. (Some 1.5 weeks but let’s keep it simple)
After that two week of stretching, and putting out pistils, I would count week 1 of flowering after all pistils emerged, and stretch is complete.
I know it’s not exact, this is my opinion. Others may have different input.


It’s one of those questions that is never really been proven to be accurate. I’ve always been told three to four different methods of telling and none really is worse than the other.

In the nutrients that I use some are to be used during certain weeks some are used during just flower. So I came to the conclusion that it can’t hurt when you think you’re in the last week of veg continue to veg for an extra week.

It can always be made up in flower

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That’s fair. Different way of putting it.

You’re right though, everyone has their own perspective and I’ve learned to appreciate everyone’s different viewpoints.


Going through the Happy Frog dreaded soil PH drift set the grow back ever so slightly.

Once you flush/discharge the pre-charged soil you have to replenish it. We’re talking nutrients, fungi, and microbial life. I’ve only had three feeds since correcting the issue.

First I had to replace the microbial life then I had to feed the microbial life and I had to get some slight nutrients back in the girls that was on the first feed.

The second feed I had to continue with the microbial life and the fungi also providing food for the fungi in microbial life that they’ll thrive on

By doing these things to the soil which I find most important and priority you can’t get a lot of Base nutrient feed into your mix or your risk overfeeding as the EC would be much higher than it should so the plant takes some sacrifices to get the microbial fungi and soil all back to normal and thriving.

This morning feed I concentrated on just base nutrients. After going through a traumatic event with the soil a strong base nutrient only feed was well needed and much appreciated by the girls.

They won’t eat again until Sunday possibly Monday where they’ll get Cal mag and base nutrients only.

Once that feed is over I’ll be back on a normal schedule, the girls should be happier than ever, and I can start adding some of my additives that they have not had yet.

The moral to this story, be very vigilant of Happy Frog soil’s pH runoff. When you see the numbers swinging. Seek help


Im glad to say for a multitude of reasons my shit show is coming to an end at leastvthe auto flower part of it anyway

Harvested the first auto tonight the other needs another day or two but its close


Congratulations on your harvest :v:


Finally someone else likes the dyno!! Im in😁.


@Lostgirl Tagging along for the show! Not sure I did the tag the right way. Still figuring out the ins and outs of a forum.


Do you ever top your autos? I go from water until tail, to final pot of soil, and top ~20 days above ground
seems like that’d be a timing issue with transplanting :woman_shrugging: