Been yo-yoing the lights a bit trying to get it right. Halle (blackberry kush) was first to pop while I had lights set low. I decided to raise the light intensity to control stretch, which seems to have worked for the others, but Halle looks stressed. Light burn?
Yes, was thinking about going to half gallon pots next week before going to their final 5 gallon homes early Jan.
BTW, decided to double down on the Fox Farm soil and GH nutes for this run while I get used to running in winter, but def looking at COM for springtime.
Right on. I started low on the lights this time bc my first run my plants were super short and didnt allow for lst. I topped instead and am super happy with the run but want to run faster this time. The lights are up now.
Word. I went straight to 5 gal last time, but by day 21 when I transplanted, they were pretty root bound. Looks like you transplanted pretty early, yeah?
So I decided to go with a transplant to slightly larger pots. Not bc I didn’t feel you @ChittyChittyBangin, but bc my soil shipment got delayed and I didn’t plan ahead enough. Roots were starting to show at the bottom and may be early next week before soil arrives now. Here’s hoping for the best
Right on @ChittyChittyBangin
I was thinking 7-10 days based on the initial root onset, but I’ll post pics again soon and look for your thoughts. Can you tell the root balls fell right apart on me from the pics? GL1 (Goldie) took the biggest hit and is leaning pretty hard. I had the soil for a while so it was pretty dry. I plan to water to runoff a day or two before the next transplant. They got 80ml PHd to 6.3 each yesterday.
Not sure if the BBK (Halle) is going to make it. She sprouted earliest and looks light burned to me but I haven’t gotten any opinions. She’s on the bottom left. She was first to sprout but now heavily stunted.
Girls got their first watering til runoff this evening. Right around 200mls each, water ph’d to 6.25. I’m scrambling to order soil bc my happy frog order (from Amazon) is lost in transit. It was supposed to arrive by yesterday after being delayed and now they’re telling me I can request a refund if it hasn’t arrived by Thursday. Hopefully the girls will continue to feel at home long enough while the reinforcements arrive.
200ml is about a cup of water, how large are those pots that it’s providing runoff? Perhaps the pots are just smaller than I’m thinking, but I wanted to make sure you’re allowing to dry out some so roots can get oxygen between watering.