Growing with Gl1tch

Ell yeah looking great.

I’d say you’re good for a bit. Mn & I not needed in large amounts until you kick up the K at the mid-late flowering time. Then I’ll add 2 ml/gal with my potash feeds. Helps reduce the fade, and them sulfates slam you with smell. You just experienced that yourself.


Cool cool, I did also mix what was left in the spray bottle with the irrigation water simply because I didn’t know what else to do with it. I’ll revisit in a couple weeks. I think it’s about time for a top dress too anyway.
Oops, didn’t realize I loaded extra pics this time.


AH, love me some psychostick


4 days from flip and starting to see first signs of flower. The stretch has also begun and yet again I waited too long to flip and a couple are already spilling over the net. The big surprise is the WW2 just exploded last night. In the last two days it’s outgrown the other white widow in a big way. I tied them a little more today, but the lights went out before I could finish. I guess I’ll do that and top dress before work tomorrow.
I also noticed this while I was tying the WW2. I’ve have a few triple nodes but this is the first quadruple I’ve seen. I untied it to see what it turns into. now I’m curious.


Had to laugh at that for the last few weeks of my Ford exploders life I had two ton paperweight on repeat :rofl:

Just read through here last night I didn’t realize you had some problems with male plants glad you got one girl that’s doing well.


I miss my exploder. when it did break, it always had the decency to do it somewhere convenient like the front yard or my buddies shop. It was falling apart though. I got a citation for intimidating an officer once cuz the window wouldn’t roll down and the cop was pretending that 1/4 of glass stops all sound. If I can hear you telling me to roll the window down then you can hear me yelling as loud as I can “the window doesn’t work go around”. She was rode hard and put away wet. It also my have been used as a boat once or twice when the river flooded.

Males happen when you grow reg seeds. After making the mistake a few times you learn to catch them. I still see no evidence of seed so I think I got away clean. I was going to pollinate the outdoor so I had some seed to experiment on, but with the recent issues I decided not to pollinate a plant that was already struggling.

stinking sun makes it near impossible to get a good pic unless I catch it right at dusk or dawn. The colas are starting to build density, but the frost is still a little lacking IMO. Smells great though. We will see how long she takes. At this point it kinda looks like I won’t have time for the last top dress to do much. At least she seems to be making progress again.

Can’t even tell I spent 2 hours tying yesterday. We’re gunna need a bigger net.


The ones inside are looking equally lush as the one outside! When growing inside in open space(no tent) do you think its better? I was thinking about doing tentless. My thought is without that reflector siding would it still be getting enough light all around? Definitely improves the air flow huh


I’m sure there are some light losses, but I don’t have a par meter or a tent to say how much. If I was to hazard a guess I don’t think it’s a huge amount once the canopy fills in since I can still easily overdue it with the lights. I like it because I have room to walk around them I don’t have to pull them out of the tent to inspect them. I have room to grow them almost as big as I want or train in any way I see fit since I’m not restricted by a tent. I can easily see a tent or multiple tents being more efficient. I do it this way because I like the freedom of having a relatively small number of plants in a large space. I guess it’ s the outdoor grower in me that doesn’t like being confined to a tent or crowded grow area.


It’s hard to be limited with space when you’ve originally come from growin outdoors


Indeed. That’s why I had to put one outside this year. I missed it too much. Can’t wait for next year. I’ll have a plan, better soil, and an afghan or two waiting to go out.


Im liking the set ups you guys have outdoors…Every years past I keep saying I’m gonna do something like that cause I grow outdoors only and every season I dont… :shushing_face:
I dont have tons of space but I think it would cut down on the Caterpillar problems Ive had in the past…This year Ive only seen a few and Bt and or Purecropped them and solved it…
Hopefully over the winter I can get something set up for next season…
Great job guys!


I agree it kinda was a bit of annoying pulling the plant out once it got bigger. I thought about it later, I have no choice rt now but to tent. Dont know what I was thinking, my room space isnt completely unoccupied so I wont be able to manage unwanted light. Back to my plan B, bigger tent. I want that open space so bad :joy:. Did you put the top on your greenhouse? I think last post it was just the wiring. Maybe i will get ballsy and try my hand on that next year


No I haven’t gotten the tarp up yet. I was waiting for an extra pair of hands to help me manage the tarp without ripping it, but I’m getting tired of everyone flaking on me so I might just do the thing myself this weekend and hope for the best. I don’t think I can wait much longer nights are dropping to the low 40’s every night now. The first freeze is coming and faster than I would like.


I know what mean with waiting for some extra help. Youve come far doing it solo, I faith in ya


As the famous quote goes
“If you want something done right you’ve got to do it yourself”.
I feel you on this I dont have much extra “help” for most of my projects either It sucks when something is extra heavy or the shape and bulkiness of something is hard to handle alone…I just try to adapt,improvise and overcome…or just say F` it and it doesn’t get done :rofl: But that’s very rare!
You got this man!!


I can’t complain too much. I can usually get help, but my buddy that usually shows up is out of town. We will see. I had another buddy hit me up to play games this afternoon. Hopefully I can get his help. If not I guess I’m doing it solo tomorrow morning. It feels like Christmas, my new rosin press comes in today. Sadly the bags don’t come in till Monday. I’ve never used micron bags before so I’m going to have to try a few pucks this afternoon. I’m not patient enough to wait for the bags. I was supposed to get my new mouse too, but amazon just can’t seem to keep a schedule anymore. They say it’s shipped 3 times in the last week and yet it still hasn’t left the warehouse. Although I did order some imisol from one of the arborist suppliers I use and it hasn’t shipped either, so maybe it’s not just amazon.

I did finally get some decent pics of the clem n chees this morning


That sucks man I know what that’s like. Everyone ghosted me when I really needed them so I realized I didn’t need them. It’s just me and me family now and somehow life’s better, go figure.

If I was closer I would be there in a heartbeat, if for nothing more than just the experience


She’s looking good! A new rosin press sounds like fun times ahead.


It is what it is. Other people have stuff to do too. I keep my circle pretty small anyway. So I have a limited number of people to help when I do need it.

yup I get the feeling by this evening I will have enough burnt rosin to subdue a small army