Howdy everyone. I’m getting the ball rolling on my summer grow so I figure now is the time for a journal to start sharing. I would love to see what everyone else is up to this summer as well.
I’ve spent the last two months plotting and scheming and I have come up with a rather ambitious plan for the summer. I have a few Clem 'N Cheese babies that are about two weeks old now. I will be taking one or two of the best girls and putting them outside and sending a male to a friends house. Hopefully I can get some good seed stock and start working on my outdoor game again. It’s been 5 or 6 years since I moved indoor due to living in the middle of a bunch of hemp fields. I think most of the hemp farms are gone now so it’s time to try again. Here is the kicker, my well went dry a few years ago so I have to haul all my water. I will also have to contend with temps in the 90’s and 100’s and likely weeks with no rain. I think this should be a fun challenge.
I also have some Orange Hill and White Widow seeds coming from Dutch Passion to grow Indoor. This round I’m going to try my hand at making soil. I decided to keep it simple for now while I get things dialed in. I just mixed sort of equal parts peat moss, 75% pumice/ 25%rice hull, and 50% compost/50% worm casings. This should be quite the change form Coco and HFF I’ve been doing the last few years, but it just takes too much water and I missed soil anyway.
Here it is when the rain rolled in. First storm since Feb. I’m taking this as a sign that it’s meant to be. Tomorrow I will be getting some straw to mulch the area with.
Here are the Clem n Cheese babies a few minutes ago. 17 days from seeds touching water. I think that makes it 14 days from the first one breaking ground and 6 days for the last one. Most of them have roots popping out of the bottom so I will be transplanting them again soon. I’ll start the indoor round when these go outside in June.
I got my plot mulched out with some straw and threw some partially decomposed wood and bark chips from my wood splitting area on top. I hope that will keep all the straw from blowing away. I also transplanted the little clem into some of my new soil. Maybe with better soil it will catch up a little. I think I’m supposed to get a couple bags of soil tomorrow to transplant the rest into 1 gal bags. that should hold them over for a bit. I still have a few weeks before I can put them in the ground. last nights low was 35 degrees.
Not sure how well it will grow weed, but Duke approves.
I already have a few barrels. I need some gutters too, but not I’m not sure if I’ll make it that far this summer. I still want to try some HLG lights in the grow room, new controls, and the list goes on. I feel like no matter how l much money I spend I’m always half way there, lol.
Well, I finally got time to transplant this morning. Everyone is still pretty small for being 3 weeks old, but I’m not too surprised since I haven’t been very nice to them. Time to get tough or die. If they are going to survive outside it’s not going to get any better for them.
I also cut down the 2 mystery seeds I had. I just don’t know enough about them to invest any more time in them. I would love to have you along @AL_GREEN.
I’m pleased to say everyone is looking much better this morning. Some of them were even reaching for the light 10 minutes after lights on. I’ll give them a few days to get used to their new home and full strength soil. then its time to start hardening. I’m so excited I can’t see straight. I really did miss growing outside.
Everyone is taking well to the new pots and soil. They may be a little yellow still but definitely getting better now. I dropped the lower limit on my thermostat a few degrees to start giving them some cooler nights. Even in the summer it can get pretty chilly at night here. I probably should have started earlier so I wasn’t so rushed, but hey, this whole round was a last minute rabbit trail. I also realized this morning that forgot to reprogram my thermometer from my last drying experiment. No big deal I just don’t have as much info as I would like. I did decide to get close ups of each plant this morning. It’s nice to see everyone doing better. we will see if it lasts. the forecast says no more rain for the foreseeable future and highs in the mid to high 80’s.
My temp and RH log. I had it sampling every few seconds so It only fit a few days of data.
I got some new seeds yesterday, Orange hill and White Widow. I’m going to start a few of those as soon as I pick the winners from this batch. Here is to hoping they have a better start. It is a little discouraging to see the lack of growth over the first few weeks.
How much space will you give each one, cause im at your stage. I have to lay down 10 that are just a lil bigger than yours. Its been too cold still to put in ground.
I plan on picking the best 2 girls and throwing them in the 12*24 bed I prepared and sending a male to my friends house. This year is just an experiment to see if I can make this work in my current situation. If it works I may do more outside next summer, or maybe some veggies. The new seeds I’ll do in the grow room and get as much space as they want. I like big plants so I try to do no more than 6 at a time.