Growing Seeds found in White Widow (feminized)

I grew White Widow, feminized, photo period plants outdoors last season. After curing i was grinding up some beautiful buds for a joint and found a couple of seeds, some were small and white but 1was brown and large, so i started it…and it GREW! I guess it may have been pollenated by something but it grew for longer than expected and i wonder if the plant turned hermaphrodite, anyway, my question iswhat can i expect out of this plant? Would it be prine to turn male, is it a 50/50 chance it goes male or will the feminized genetics carry over? It loojs wild also, the leaves are fat and huge, i will include a pic. I was thinking that there’s a 50/50 chance it goes male, and i will have to keep an eye on it. I have never grown feminized seeds before last season. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

This plant is 2.5 weeks old, i have them on 18/6 light schedule, my grow room has been down to 62 degrees in the dark cycle, often, then 80 degrees during the light cycle, could the plant be reating to the cold? They are growing bushy not tall as you can see in the pic


give it time it will shoot up


Depends on the method of pollenization.

If it herm’d and dusted itself, more then likely she’ll be female.

If pollen drifted from some rando dude plant getting his jollies making jesus babies out of what was supposed to be sensimella (however u spell it). Then ur chances are 50/50


“Semillas” = “seeds” in Spanish. “Sinsemilla” = “without seed”.


Thanks! Never knew that


Yeah, no idea how it fertilized, so i will be watching it close to make sure its not male


I’m growing a ww auto bag seed myself day 35 and its a she. Came from previous harvest


Showing ‘auto’ traits?

Also u found ur seeds on indoor im assuming. Outdoors… its a whole other ball game when considering how they got dusted. Pollen travels MILES.

I wonder if it was seedy in one centralized area or if he found them all over the plant…


I’ve read that the sooner you put seedlings on an 18-6 light schedule it increases the chance of being female.

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The plant was 7-8 foot tall, same diameter harvested over a pound and had 6 seeds 5 little white seeds and 1 good looking dark seed that i grew

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My plants were pretty stressed out, long story but you can see that in a previous thread. Thats why im wondering if it went hermaphrodite

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Gl with it.
Some of my favorite i got in jars came from a WW bag seed. It’s some super lemon gas Pheno, wish I’d kept a clone :confused:

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Im afraid that is incorrect. Thats not how genes work. Its locked it when it’s formed, mo way to tell or influence what sex it will be.

Its like saying if a woman does something at sonevpoint while pregnant it will increase the olds of haveing a girl or boy. Just not how it works :confused:


Haha me either but I’m polish not Spanish. Lmao
Only Spanish I know is coma estas burrito guacamole enchilada tequila Jose and hola


Que Pasa!!! Haha I made it a habit to learn how to say Whats Up in any foreign language that I know a native speaker of…

My current fav is Kaif Al Hal… haha im sure I spelled it wrong but it gets all smiles from my Arabic Friends and acquaintances :rofl:

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They do in crocodile eggs. The warmer eggs become female the cooler ones become male.


Yeah I always thought that was cool…
Most people dont know that sinisemilla simply means it’s seedless weed.


say what? is it like when momma says theyre always so angry cuz they have all those teeth and no tooth brush? lol


I stand corrected because you are correct…
I guess there’s always an exception to the rule :rofl:


Is this true? Like are the female eggs just naturally warmer and the males cooler? Or does temperature of said eggs actually manipulate sex?

Edit: wicked cool all the same. U learn something new everyday