I grew White Widow, feminized, photo period plants outdoors last season. After curing i was grinding up some beautiful buds for a joint and found a couple of seeds, some were small and white but 1was brown and large, so i started it…and it GREW! I guess it may have been pollenated by something but it grew for longer than expected and i wonder if the plant turned hermaphrodite, anyway, my question iswhat can i expect out of this plant? Would it be prine to turn male, is it a 50/50 chance it goes male or will the feminized genetics carry over? It loojs wild also, the leaves are fat and huge, i will include a pic. I was thinking that there’s a 50/50 chance it goes male, and i will have to keep an eye on it. I have never grown feminized seeds before last season. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
This plant is 2.5 weeks old, i have them on 18/6 light schedule, my grow room has been down to 62 degrees in the dark cycle, often, then 80 degrees during the light cycle, could the plant be reating to the cold? They are growing bushy not tall as you can see in the pic
If it herm’d and dusted itself, more then likely she’ll be female.
If pollen drifted from some rando dude plant getting his jollies making jesus babies out of what was supposed to be sensimella (however u spell it). Then ur chances are 50/50