The earliest seedlings were dropped to sprout on 10/8 . The latest were started on 10/15… these will be run on flow tables with GH nutes, some will find their way into cloth pots but the majority will be run on a fast schedule in a S.O.G. fashion.
I am very excited to have the opportunity to do this . Hope it will be fun and informative for all.
Happy Growing
Cool I can use the help LOL I did have a question for you guys I haven’t started using that H2O2 yet and I have Southern AG Garden friendly fungicide on the way. Actually right now I’m still just watering by hand once a day right now. But what’s your guys feelings about the differences between the two?
I use bacteria and peroxide on a rotating schedule. Depending on the goal I’ll alternate 1-2 times a weed or bi weekly. Bacteria gets rid of nutrient build up and gunk. Peroxide gets rid of the rest.
I usually have such good results with peroxide I kind of hate to mess with a good thing you know what I mean but I’ve heard so much good about the benefits of the bacteria but I’m growing with salts so sterile seems to make sense yeah I’m still not exactly sure what I’m going to do hahaha
I may leave the southern AG on the shelf for a while. I have problems with the silica clogging up the drippers but I don’t have bacteria problems with the H2O2
Yeah, they both have their roles. @Budbrother recommended Purple Non Sulfur Bacteria. It’s cheap, mainly used for ponds. Supposed to get rid of muck and build up. I can’t see inside most of my lines, so I just have to assume it’s doing its job. lol. I have 40-50’ of solid lines, can’t replace like that.
Peroxide is def my favorite. I like the bubbles and smoke. I like the visual cues it’s doing something.