Growers Telegram channel!

So I have started a telegram channel strictly for growers. And anyone with the passion for it, even your aunties if ya want! Anyway, be GREAT to have some of you OGs in there! Got around 80 guys in there already all great guys! A great seed distro, always active 24/7. Would love to have you guys dip some advice in to the noobs and share you’re beautiful pics! If I can post up the link let me know and anyone is welcome! It’s called GrowersInt :saluting_face: hopefully some yall will come along! Great guys in there already and growers :pray:t2:


You got IG?

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Yes bro Se7ens_medz_farm616


Gotcha! :melting_face::melting_face::melting_face::melting_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face:


That sounds like an awesome initiative! Creating a dedicated space like a Telegram channel for growers to connect, share knowledge, and exchange tips is invaluable. It’s fantastic to hear that you already have a vibrant community of around 80 enthusiasts on board, and I’m sure many more would benefit from joining. Sharing advice and showcasing beautiful pictures not only fosters learning but also inspires others to explore their passion for growing. If you’re open to it, perhaps you could consider collaborating with farmers as well; their expertise in cultivation could offer valuable insights and enrich the discussions further. Keep up the great work with GrowersInt! If you’re able to post the link, I’m sure it would be greatly appreciated by those eager to join the community.