Grow Year 3 Fem and Autos

Hey gang! I have started my 3rd grow. I hope that everything I’ve learned over the past 3 years will translate to great success this year. The girls have been up for a week. My plan is to put them in the dirt outside April 1. As of now, they are under an LED shop light (3000 lumens). They go outside when it’s warm enough. Today is one of those days.
Introducing from left to right
2-Gold Leaf Fem
2-Bubble Gum Autos
2- Jack Herrer Autos

And now for the closeups. Gold Leaf Fem. My first try for a non-auto.

Here’s the Bubblegum Auto

Jack Herrer Auto

So far I’m beyond pleased. The dirt is Fox Farm. A couple questions:
When these go in the dirt outside I’m planning to start 6 more autos, probably WW left over from last year. I am considering Happy Frog Soil conditioner as the starting medium. Is that recommended or should I stick with Fox Farm?

When can I start a Neem protocol? Should I wait until they are in the ground or can I start now (tonight when they go back inside)?

I plan to post photos once a week. Hope I don’t bore anyone…
Thanks in advance for any advice!


I’ve been reading a lot about different soils and I’ve tried fox farm and happy frog, fox farm for buds and happy frog for veggies. However I’m new to growing buds, the happy frog did great for outside veggies but I haven’t noticed really any difference in the 2 so far. I personally prefer fox farm because of how “fluffy” it is, I guess you could call it. It mixed really well with other soil additives and remains fluffy and light even after watering. Happy frog seemed a little more compact once it had been watered a time or 2 but maybe for outside that’s a good thing considering wind etc.

Dont have any useful info aside from my experience and personal preference. And hey, who knows, Grow 1 plant in it and see how it works out for ya!


I think you mean Ocean Forest or Happy Frog? (Both are FF products) The Happy Frog is a “cooler” soil than the Ocean Forest. I’ve grown in both with no issues.

I’m not a big fan of Neem oil. I much prefer a continuous application of: foliar spray of 50/50 3% peroxide and distilled water. Allow to stand for 48 hours then spray down with: either Captain Jack’s Dead Bug (spinosad) or Safer spray (BtK bacillus). Allow to stand for 5 days then repeat the whole process. This will eliminate virtually everything and you can spray all of this up to the day of harvest. Organic too.


@Myfriendis410 you are correct regarding the soils. I guess because the Happy Frog is “soil conditioner” I wasn’t sure it would be ok.

Good info on the spraying regimen. Thanks


Week 2 in the books and they still look great! I’m putting them in the ground this evening. The forecast calls for a low of 40 next Sunday but other than that it’s full speed ahead.

Gold Leaf Fem

Bubble Gum Auto

Jack Herrer Auto

Time to germinate 6 White Widow Autos!!


I have a Bubblegum auto and Jack Herer auto that I will be harvesting soon also have another Jack just started to flower. Good luck with your grow hoping to follow along.

@Jarnkat do you have any photos? I’d like to see what i should look forward to…:sunglasses:



8 weeks old in two days

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This is another Bubblegum,Jack,NYC diesel, and GG#4 AUTOS

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Saweet! The Bubblegum is bigger than any auto i’ve ever grown.

Week 3 done! I had a bit of a panic because it dropped below 40 degrees the last couple of nights but I think everything is still golden. The girls were put in the ground last week. Here’s some pics.

Jack Herrer Auto

Bubble Gum Auto

Gold Leaf Fem - These seem to be a bit behind. Maybe that’s normal.

The mosquito netting is to keep the grasshoppers out. I also sprinkled DE to deter ants. I have 6 WW autos that popped last Thursday. They go outside when it’s warm enough and inside at night under lights. 80’s are on the way!!!

One month in and the girls are looking fabulous! They’ve pretty much doubled in size in 1 week.

Jack Herrer Autos

Bubble Gum Autos

Gold Leaf Fem

And a group shot of the autos. In the pots are 6 White Widow Autos. They’ll be 2 weeks on Friday at which time they will go in the ground. I couldn’t be happier. Planning some LST on the autos.

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