Grow journal/last TOPIC ever

So here’s my grow journal everyone, I have been here 3 weeks, and I know that courtesy of @Myfriendis410, as I was just told yet AGAIN, that I’m doing things wrong on the forum, I’ve read the rules, terms of service, privacy policy, and FAQ, and still am lost in a few things, so I’ll just start up my journal and FROM NOW ON, everything I need to post, ask, whatever show pics it will be here, I feel like a kid getting scolded when I get told by these moderators, what to do and what not to do, and trust me I truly get it and am trying to respect all rules and regulations, it’s just some things are a little grey for me, when it comes to this stuff, so anyways yeah @Kinglouida13th, has started a journal and here it is, and because I didn’t start this till after my last harvest I’ll post some older pics leading up to current ones

(my fresh grow)


@Covertgrower @MidwestGuy @Hellraiser @BobbyDigital @Randy_Marsh and anyone else who may know, I had my roommate feed these girls before he left for work, as I was gone and came in to this, what’s wrong with them, over watered or under, it’s been this way for like 2 hours now, and don’t want to do anything until I know!! Please help y’all


Those are wanting water


Someone forgot to water your plants :stuck_out_tongue:


Ok but to make sure ADD WATER? I don’t want to drown them, cuz I felt the dirt and it still feels pretty damp,

To have a better idea , weight the pot

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@Randy_Marsh Too late just watered, and prior too I did but couldn’t tell by the weight as you see how small they are!! Hope it was that, if not then what? Will it kill em you think?

Definitely be careful, do a lil ring around the plant just how they do to big trees , so the water stay around the circle and hit the roots with out having to flood the whole pot , until it gains size , then you can make it all flat again

@Randy_Marsh I mean if it’s one over watering and I’m careful from now on, it shouldn’t affect them that much I’d say, I truly don’t know, it’s a half hour before lights out and they may be drunk off nutes, let’s hope they pass out, sleep well and wake up without a hangover and looking beautiful and thriving!! :pray::pray::rofl::joy:


there’s my last harvest!!


Yeah, I mean they did looked dry , definitely won’t kill them

Ok now I started this grow journal, but I’m not sure it’s in the right spot, I just spent 10 minutes trying to find it, but anyways what’s going on with her, what happened, what do I do? @BobbyDigital @Randy_Marsh @MidwestGuy @CMichGrower @Covertgrower


Just looks like you need to add more soil. Over time, as you water, the soil level drops.


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If goes to long csn kill them but they will perk right back up in an hour or 2 wonce roots get moist

@fano_man @BobbyDigital @Randy_Marsh this girl or ready to be moved huh?

also updated from the dry out last night, I think he DIDN’T WATER them!! :rage::rage:


I think that that RECHARGE did that to those little clones!!

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Recharge is microbes… microbes take a good amount of time to colonize a root system … says about 8 weeks… what are you thinking need to be moved not seeing male female if your asking that

@fano_man you don’t see the red solo with the clones roots popping out the bottom?

Yea but what are you saying… because the roots are comming out the bottom do they need to be transplanted… if so no …roots grow strait out hit a wall and travel strait down you probably dont have many more roots then that and trying to transplant now the root ball will collapse and take alot if those lil roots with it they can go a month more easy