Grow journal for chocoloupe and blue haze

Starting a 6 plant grow today. Soaked seeds overnight and planted in a 80/20 happy frog/coco. 4 chocolope and 2 blue haze.
5x5 grow tent with a mars hydro tsw 2000
Genetics by homegrown cannibis. I have never completed a grow before so im looking for advice as i go through this journey . Concerns are properly watering and feeding. And trimming and managing the plant. Will post pics as they grow. Thank you, BudDad

Don’t over water, and don’t over fertilize. Other than that welcome, and happy growing.


I think i need a little help. This plant is showing damaged leaves and has a real dry feeling to it. We are starting week 8 of flower. I flushed it a week ago and my runoff was in the 500 ppm . Its stopped growing it seems

Needs a more calcium. At the phase, you typically don’t see much more new growth.