So here’s me.
I’m rapidly approaching my 40th birthday. I’m 6’6" and when I started smoking, I was weighing in at 315 lbs, 28% body fat, not rolling with fat, but it was there. Now you’re probably thinking that this is a grow log, why the f#$% are you telling me your stats. I think it ties into my motivations and has helped me determine what I’m willing to devote to this experiment. I’m also sorry if I come off sounding like a robot when I type. I’m a fairly awkward dude with a heavy math and computer science background. That coupled with diagnosed attention deficit and borderline personality disorder…I tend to limit my social interactions to a minimum and talk in very logical terms.
When I would go out, I would typically have to drink to excess to be able to enjoy myself which ironically was when my company would typically start enjoying my company less. About 14 months ago, a coworker gave me a some small quantity of flower as a thank you gift…which was odd because I didn’t know he smoked and he just assumed that I did. Fuck it right, I smoked a pinch that night.
At first, smoking a single pinch hitter could take me from zero to zero. What I mean by that is that I would smoke then become almost catatonic. The dog thought it was amazing! She would know when it was hitting me then she would come and let me pet her for hours. I remember counting her heart beats as I would pet her during the entire session.
As my tolerance grew, so did my willingness to go outside when I was high. Then my wife and peers started to notice and enjoy the high me without knowing I was high and without being in a drinking situation. Even in the drinking situations, I started to not even want to drink. This is the point where my brain flipped and this is where this website and this experiment come into the picture.
I had resolved myself to a life of being a huge guy and probably dying of heart disease in a few years. My outlook was bad and the worst part about it is that I was totally ok with it. After realizing that I could “unlock” my brain and enjoy things besides solving programming puzzles, I made a change.
Today I am still 6’6", I weigh 230 lbs with a goal of 205 by summer. I don’t drink unless it is wine with a special dinner. I’m eating dramatically less. My wife loves me more some days and I have and can keep friends now. I did stop working out, but that is because I wanted to let go of some of the muscle that I had put on over the years. (Athletic huge geek) I smoke nightly and I’m happier during the days. Medical is now legal and so is home grow in my state. Now on with the grow…
Here is my grow experience:
The second amount of weed I received had seeds in it. I didn’t know what kind of weed it was or that I could conceivably grow these things. I didn’t even take the seeds out of the bud before I’d put it in the grinder. I did however pick them out of the grinder and set them aside before I smoked. I ended up with 50ish seeds that were cracked, cover-less and shit looking. When I finally decided to grow them, I just got some dirt (from my wife’s flower pot), threw it in a paper egg carton and stuffed those seeds (yep, all 54 of them) in that carton. Then I put the carton on a heating pad, dropped some 8.2ph tap water on it and let it go… About 10 days later, somehow I ended up with 12 little green plants. I stunted them like you wouldn’t imagine for the first two months. I had no clue what I was doing and didn’t really know the depth of resources openly out here.
During the first 4 weeks, I purchased a 4x4 tent, carbon filter and 8" fan, a Viparspectra 900 LED reflector light, some better dirt (fox farms ocean something) and some of those black fabric bags. After the 2 month old seedlings hit that dirt, they stopped looking like seedlings. Very shortly after that, I started seeing signs of flowering…sacks on 4 and white pistils on the rest. I pulled the 4 boys and tossed them in the trash (i googled that - this was the first point of research besides amazon reviews of the stuff I purchased). They were about 6 inches tall at that point. I didn’t know the difference between photo and auto plants. I also didn’t know about light cycles, but somehow I set my walmart lamp timer to 18/6 by default and left it there.
When all was said an done, I had 8 full quarts of popcorn. It smokes just fine, but it doesn’t smell like weed at all. I was happy. Now I’m smoking my own stuff and have zero plans on smoking other peoples stuff until it’s fully recreational legal here.
Then this site happened (fuckers!)
I turned my 11x10x8 tent room into a full sealed grow room with Panda Film over the cling and walls. I have a humidifier, dehumidifier, heater, CO2, 2x 600h quantam board kits, a mini split system about to go in and my full tent setup in the room. I switched to RDWC (added the R yesterday) with Cyco nutes. Reservoirs are located outside the grow room to keep the water a little cooler. I have a chiller ready if needed. I even have these little 12x12" wood floor tiles from IKEA as pot risers to keep them off the concrete floor.
Why!?! I’m not increasing my plant count (staying legal).
Shut up and show time.
Grow 1
Dirt in cardboard egg carton (8.2ph water, random handfull of potting soil from old flower pot)
First sprouts (felt proud)
I forgot I did this…
before I did this…
Oh yeah, my tent came with a net so I just kinda used it to…I’m not sure…stunt my plants more? ScroG wasn’t something I even knew about.
Just before harvest…
All to end up with this…OG Kush Auto (found out later from the grower)
Room and grow 2 pics next post…