Gold Leaf, will I make it to end Oct?

Really worried my GL won’t make it 60+ days of flower here in zone 5a. They just went into flower in the last 5 days or so. Big, bushy plants about 5’ tall. We were a little late getting the plants into the ground (they were about 1’ tall when put into soil end of June)
I think I had better build them a hoop house stat.

Our first frost is generally here by Oct 1. Oct super dicey here in New England.

Any advice is appreciated.


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Youll be ok im in NY and I generally will harvest in mid October
The plants can handle some low temps once mature temps they can even haandle a little frost
Extended period of freezing temps is another story and you would want to take her down

As far as getting a late start thats not a issue really all your loosing is size from a shorter veg period

@Willd your up north can do you have any advice for this member?

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You just have to have faith in your skills & keep a watchful eye out for a hard freeze.
@Countryboyjvd1971’s assessment is 100% accurate.
I draped tarps over mine a couple of times in 2017. They were fine.


Thanks for chiming in brother
Good morning :smiley: @Willd

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I’m in 5a as well. I’ve never lost a plant due to cold in oct. They’re pretty resilient at that stage but I do tarp them for over night frost warnings.

Thanks all! How do plants cope with the shortened flower period? GL is supposed to be 60+ days of flower.
We’ve had to cut harvest short before due to freezing temps, but we are prepping a hoop this year.
Plan to cover from rains during flower this year, last year lost a lot with PM and bud rot well into flower.



this is the current stage of my feminized goldleaf plant from seed i got here. mine did get a huge head start indoor for 4 mos starting in jan. but im way up in maine and im sure this will harvest in time here

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You can tarp your plants overnight when temperatures are approaching freezing. You can also use Agribon or a similar product to protect against some degree of cold without having to remove the fabric. Different weights of Agribon protect different amounts. AG-30 will protect up to 6 degrees F and still allow 70% of light through. AG-19 has a lower protection but you can double it if necessary and get more flexibility.

I use AG-19 extensively on my tender perennials when we reach freezing. It has kept my citrus alive in temperatures as low as 19 degrees (multiple wraps).

The other benefit to these fabrics is that they will protect to some degree against flying insects, since they cannot see through the opaque material.

Just a thought.

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