I think this is the right place for this question. My Gold Leaf girl is at the end of her second week of Veg and she is doing great. Down below is a photo of her. My question though is should she be developing an odor now? Because she is. A definate odor. Stronger during the day when the temp is a bit higher. But I dont have to get less than about 18 inches from her and I can smell her. Not a light odor either. I didnt think the plants developed a strong odor until they started into flower and then when the trichomes start to develope well. So, can someone enlighten me here? I am a newbie and this is my first grow. I have a grow journal going if anyone is interested.
Forgot the picture. Not the best, meant to turn the light off but forgot.
patients grasshopper! lol
Yes, during veg you can expect your girls to give off a light aroma. Now, when flowering comes around. That’s when you get the whiffs of a skunk smell in the distance.
My girls are 15 days old and I can smell them. Not an overpowering aroma but, being my first grow also, I too was surprised at the smell this early. I’m curious if good genetics are a factor. Any thoughts?
I would think good genetics are a factor. A big one. Excellent phenotypes in this plant as in yours. This GL girl is displaying an interesting mix. One, is that it is more of a bushy type to date. It isnt stretching like I expected though that could be due to it only being 2 weeks in veg and working on the roots. Going 3 weeks now, I will be watching her to see if she starts stretching up, even with having FIM’d her a 3 or so days ago. She is full of surprises. Gold Leaf, super plant.
Forgot to put this other question in
Well, the smell I am getting now is, at least to me, surprisingly strong. I have a couple of OG Kush girls, not quite the size of the OG lady, but getting there, and i can smell anything from them except a slight wiff of green. But my OG girl, man, I smell her two feet away. I opened the tent this morning and got a blast of her in the face. Not overpowering, but the air was full.
Lmfao brother just you wait . In flowering if I am not careful you can smell weed at the street and when you open my front door it smells like a despensery I have a exhaust system and carbon filter but if I don’t keep my tent zipped up tight the whole house basement and all reeks . When you harvest and wet trim you can smell it 3 houses away
Looks like you’re all set @cyberblast
All I can say is youch, if they r going to smell like that I am going to be in big trouble with my family. And maybe my neighbors too. my family didn’t want me growing any. What They think I am growing is peppers and tomatoes. I am pretty sure my wife knows but is just bidding her time. We been married too many years. 33 or so. So it’s too easy for her to read me like a book. She does understand 're my pain. But they are not for illegal stuff.
I don’t have too worry about them doing anything stupid. just going to be some words said to me.
May I recommend a good filter? My wife doesn’t care for the smell of MJ (I know, I know) And she can’t even smell them as long as I don’t open the tent when she is around.
@cyberblast I didn’t mean to give the impression that the smell can’t be controlled it can you just need to do your due diligence and when you harvest and trim wait till the wife is gone for a couple of hours . My wife has been redneck about me smoking always ( 26 years here ) and when my daughter was born I quit for a long time . Then was injured and every time I went to the doc they just upped my Opioid dose till I was almost a drooler. Opioid s really mess up my stomach , my sleep , my attitude etc.etc.etc. well on a particular bad day I just sat her down and explained that I was going to try this to get off opioids . While I do have more pain than when I was taking a prescription it helps enough in combination with ibuprofen that I have not had a pill in a year now . I am a much more pleasant and present husband and father when I can stay away from pills they just wipe me out . Long story short is she eventually came around when she saw the difference in me and I got off prescription meds . Once she just knows then you can get the stuff the fix the smell
That is the exact filter I have and am using. I started using it almost right away on my grow because of using some fish imullsion. Stuff was horrible. Fortunately only used in one pot and it faded away after a week.
Oldstoner, I used to smoke in my early 20’s and then early 30’s, as did my wife. Dont know why she is against it now, guess because I hadnt touched it…(to her knowledge)…since. I did use it a few years ago for a time till I lost my source. And I am on the ophoids as well, and worse, they put me on morphine. And having the same problems as you. Sucks. Now they are restricting the amount after getting me on a high dosage. Really great docs, huh. So I am tired of them messing with my meds and jerking me around. My wife knows this and knows the problems I have gone through. I dont expect it to get rid of all my pain, but at least make it bearable. And hopefully the wife will come around when she sees the difference in me. The narcotics affect my temper and my attitude as well. Tired of it. Just tired of it. It has reached the point where I have considered ending it all. Thats how bad things have gotten. So in a few months, hopefully, things will be different.
Oh, guys, I posted about a plant problem with my OGK girls. Will repost the photo here, but if you would be willing, I made a new post in the Diseases area. Check it out please.
Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so = NA
Strain; Type, Bag seed, or NA
Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco?
System type?
PH of runoff or solution in reservoir?
What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS
Indoor or Outdoor
Light system, size?
Temps; Day, Night
Humidity; Day, Night
Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
Co2; Yes, No
Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer. Feel free to elaborate, but short, to the point questions and facts will help us help you smile
Dont know what else to provide. I have two other plants that show nothing of this problem.
2 things concerning me here you are not using meters that means you don’t know the ph you are water/feeding with you also don’t know ppm and are using homemade soil which may or may not need nutrients period depending on ppm/ec/tds of run off?.
It makes it hard to narrow down a culprit but I would be leaning towards
or Calcium based soley on picture and lack of ppm to rule it out
I used a meter to test the soil, but it isnt the type for testing fluid. I will get one of those soonest.
Will get a liquid ph meter soonest and test the runoff. As to the ppm, not sure what you mean?
The soil mix is my own, but mixed to the following. 75 percent Frog soil mixture, 15 percent apprx worm compost, about 10 percent or so of …crap…gone blank…its to hold moisture. Just what it is called, gone blank on. Sorry, my memory is poor anymore. Due to age and being on opoids, Which is why I am growing these girls.
Parts per million (ppm)or total dissolved solids (tds) or Electrical conductivity (EC) all of these measure nutrients in rough form being how much is dissolved in your water. It is the standard by which we determine likelyhood plants are getting enough food also tells if they are getting too much or too little it doesn’t breakdown the nutrients but gives us an educated guess based on what we add it is another meter but reduces guess work on when to feed when to simply water
Ordered a new ph meter as well as a meter for testing for the PPM. This will be new to me in a way. I used one type of meter when I brew my beer. I do brew my own. Different kinds, flavors. I like port myself. Like a heavier flavor, but its not a good beer for summer. For summer I make a much lighter beer. Mexican style beers are good for hot weather. Anyway, I test my brews all through the process, so that is not new to me.
Thanks so much for your help. I will keep you posted as soon as I get those meters. wont be untll around the 2 or 3rd of the month next.
@cyberblast my hydro store here is also a home brew stop…everything you need to make wine,beer,and my fav.whiskey!! lol
in fact that is how i found out they had growing stuff,i was in getting some wine making supplies…lol
dude has been in business awhile now…lol since the eighties!
I love making my own beer! I’m making a batch in a couple of weeks. An unfiltered wheat beer I think! Love it!
Come on @BIGE really? lol geez, that would be the busiest store in my town!