Tell me what you guys think. Is it close to harvest time?
You in the window if Im seeing right. There is a fair amount of amber and cloudy, also a good bit of clear as well.
Are all those photos focused on calyx not sugar leaves? If so? Id start the final preparations. Got any full plant pics?
I agree with @PurpNGold74, in the window if the photos are on the buds rather than leaves. Purp beat me to the punch.
Ok yeah its the buds not the leaves. One of these is a little behind the others in growth probably a week or so
Pics 3 and 4 look the furthest along.
Has the water intake decreased? Like does it take longer to dry out?
Yeah water intake has decreased. I only have to water about every 4 days now vs 2-3 before. Leaves are also turning yellow. I figured maybe another week or less. Probably by the weekend Iām guessing. I just dont want to rush it.
Sounds about right. Take your time and go with the flow.
look great
anytime ur ready like purp said