i saw these last night and took pics this morning. i looked thru the deficiencies section and didn’t see anything i could relate last night. this morning i saw a gnat at the ceiling but only the one, and i looked around the plants for some type of critter but didn’t see any.
this is on another plant
We should get a support form withe the info for soil ppm and stuff. I forget where to find it. If it’s only one or two leaves and new growth looks ok it may not be an issue.
The affected leaves in the pics look a little “silky” to me. That’s my term for leaves that get really soft and fabric like feeling . This is usually from them transpiring more water out than they are taking in. Dry heat with no air flow can cause that. I don’t see evidence of bugs in these pics.
as far as ticket goes
white widow fem
super soil
315 lec
no ph test or ppm test as my support group says i don’t need to check as the super soil has it covered.
the water i use is from faucet with home well. it is 7.8 out of faucet with lime in it. i put it thru a pitcher filter and it comes out 7.2. according to the support group, their soil would be okay to just use the water out of the tap but i filter it anyway.
I would’ve thought bugs. Without any bugs present or runoff ph data I’m afraid I’ve got nothing, sorry.
there could be bugs and i don’t see them, but i tried to look it over good. i think bugs still too.
Looks like you bumped or damaged the leaf. If it’s not over the entire plant and instead just 1 or 2 leaves I don’t get to worried.
i haven’t had any hydrogen peroxide in the house for this whole grow. should i go get some in case i need to do foliar spray?
The yellow center that’s cut off in one of the pictures caught my attention caught my attention. Do you spray anything on the leaves?
on one of the leaves that i didn’t take pic of, it looks like something ate the end of the leaf about an eighth inch to a quarter inch.
i haven’t sprayed anything on them.
Good. So unless your pH and PPM’s aren’t off I wouldn’t stress too much about it.
I would not spray anything as a preventative measure. Only if you have seen bugs.
Can you toss up a full plant picture(s)?
if it had happened to all three that i watered to flood for the first time yesterday or the day before, i would have said it is nute related, but two of them were watered and one that hasn’t had water in 5 days. one of the plants that shows the issue was watered with distilled water, the other with the 7.2 from tap. that is kinda why i was leaning to some type of critter messing with my stuff.
i can do a full plant pic but it is from microscope camera so it is hard at this point to get whole plant in. but i will go shoot a shot from the top. i think the plants look real healthy and have been going thru growth spurt in last day or two. is why i’m going to flower in two days instead of 7 or 10. they are getting away from me lol.
I don’t think so. First pic look like it was bumped and leaves were damaged, second picture is in a pattern on the top ridges of the leaf. Patterns tend to be deficiencies not bugs. It’s not systemic so I again wouldn’t worry.
Let me guess you don’t have a cell phone camera.
lol i am the last person in the US without a cell phone period. i am going to get a cheap digital camera from walmart tomorrow, prolly a 50$ vivosun. it’s payday and i’m also getting a 630 lec for the flower tent i put up yesterday. 24 hours darkness before i go to 12/12, right?
I respect that! I wish I didn’t have one either. Become addicted to all of it. Should ask around to your friends to ask them if they have an old iPhone/google phone laying around. They still work great even if you don’t have cell service. I used an old one with the WiFi to make calls even around town. Comcast now has public WiFi everywhere in my area. I really could get by without the cell service.
when pagers came out i really really wanted one. then all the gang in the service group got them and i got three because of the area i covered. it took me about a month to hate it.