These are frosting up substantially every day
Fattening up looking great.
Not to be rude @Lewy2239 at all I mean no offense but do you have a thread for your beautiful fat lady’s? Haha sorry I’ve just noticed this is second thread of yours I’ve come across this morning with your SS in it haha. The mods prefer one thread per topic to keep things easier. Unless this is a whole new topic and I’m just putting my foot in my mouth haha.
Right on man. Thanks
I think I mistakenly posted this in the wrong place. My bad
Haha I figured. They all look super fat and amazing though they truly do. One of my buddy’s is growing some Super skunk right now!
No you are good. I thought I’d started a new topic and really was just posting my progress. I didn’t know any better. I’ll try to not be so visible
It was certainly an experience. No telling what I may have ended up with had I vegged them for even 30 days. They are mostly all bud
I thought I was on my own thread. I’m usually more computer savvy than this. My bad
It’s all good brother!