Super Skunk photos are getting close

Coming to the close of my first growing season, already harvested a couple autoflowers this year. I had also planted four Super Skunk photos from ilgm. Lost one along the way, and the remaining three are now looking to be about a week away from harvest. Reading all the great posts in this forum has been a huge help in finding my way through my first grow cycle. Sure do appreciate all the more experienced growers sharing their knowledge here.
Here are a few trich pics and overall shots of my girls. The smallest one was planted in local soil mixed with compost, the other two in bags got a mix of garden soil, compost, worm castings and other amendments as my knowledge grew the last few months. Clearly local soil is not the greatest growing medium. The two growing in 5 gal bags are doing much better. I’ve learned quite a lot this cycle, next time around my soil game will be much improved.

Trich shots are from the two bag grows. Showing just a hint of amber now, gonna wait another week to harvest.


Very nice Grow Bro :love_you_gesture: