I have a favor to ask, though I hope it’s something y’all are just as excited about as I am.
We are currently working on a dedicated homepage element for our store, where we want to highlight our vibrant and awesome community (read: you guys). We’d like to make this a visual element, featuring real people from our community.
The question I’d like to ask is: would you like to be featured on our homepage as a community member?
This is what we’d need:
a self-portrait of your face
written approval that we can use your image on our homepage
You can drop both the selfie as well as your approval in a reply in the thread below.
Optionally: we can use your forum avatar as well, if you don’t want to send a self-portrait. In which case, we only need permission from you to use that instead. My preference is to feature proper photos inside this element though, because it communicates there are actual real people here that have a shared passion.
We need about 30-ish people to share an image and permission for this to work. For now, it’ll just be a simple image that’s displayed. No names or links to your profile. Would you like to help me, please?
Also please do let me know if you have any questions or concerns and I’m happy to address them.
I think its a great promotion Mitch. You don’t work for the FBI, right (J/K). No can do for me for the same reason Midwestguy stated. Best to ILGM in this endeavor.
I really love the response so far, thank you so much!
This especially applies to the people that have kindly shared their images already, you are legends!
To the people in illegal states, totally understandable you can’t participate here. No worries at all. Your words of affirmation already help a lot!
To people still in dubio, your avatar would be a fine second option if you don’t feel comfortable sharing a photograph of yourself. I shared a preference but that does not take precedence over getting this project to successful completion so I’m totally happy featuring your avatars as well.
Anyway, it’s about 1AM over here in NL right now so I’m going to bed
Checking in again first thing tomorrow though. Fingers crossed this message has reached more people by then
I don’t think that is a requirement for this. We just posted photos of ILGM grows because we had them. A head shot would likely do for what Mitch has in mind. Worse case, they don’t use it.