Gaia Green Living Soil Blend, any good?

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone has any opinions on this soil I’m using. The ingredients can be hard to read from the picture so here they are…

Soil medium Ingredients

  • sphagnum peat, compost, perlite, African night crawler worm castings, fertilizing soil conditioner.
    Fertilizer ingredients
  • alfalfa meal, fish bone meal, blood meal, glacial rock dust, mined potassium sulphate, fossilized carbon complex, rock phosphate, greensand, kelp meal, gypsum, bat guano

Never used myself but from the description should be fine. Although be careful about using fertilized soil on seedlings. I’ve never had an issue but seedlings are very easy too over fertilize and have everything that’s required for them to grow for the first week or so. So if you use do not add any fertilizer.

See I wondered if this might be too hot as they say. That’s helpful feedback thank you. I didn’t add any of the grow nutes for the first 10 days and then I used a 1/4 “dose”. I’ll post current pics in a thread I already started about it. They seem to be doing good so far. Day 13 from planting.