1.) Would you like to expand on your method to help other members in the community?
Sure no problem im always down to help and better the technique of my fellow growmies. My regiment is much like a used car mechanic that shops at the junk yard… I may not have the newest and most expensive gear but my setup is functional, practical, and mostly 2nd hand from offer up lol.
This is my 1st indoor run, my experience is from outdoor. So my thoughts were to just maintain humidity for veg 60-80, flower 40-60. BUT I let my temps pretty much run with what mother nature has to offer. Temps never were higher then 70-85 degrees VEG, 40-75 degrees FLW. Ive read a lot of grow books especially Ed Rosenthals lineup.
2.) What do you grow with? Hydro/soil/coco?
My medium is used up ocean forest soil, which i ammend at 1:1 with some with cheap new organic soil from my local nursery.
3.) What do you grow under for lighting to accomplish this?
8 bar style no name brand 680w LED. Started at 50% for the 1st week, 80% second week, 3wk to finish 100%. During veg my height was 24" and 6" in flower.
4.) What nutrient line helped achieve these frosty ladies?
A. Fox farm trio
B. Humbolt secret sweet n sticky, and the
C. Bloom City cal mag & silica.
D. Organic top dress worm casting every 4 weeks.
5.) And last but not least…whose genetics are you using? Seeds? From? Clone ? Who’s and what?
All my gear is hand me down seeds from others.
A. Ice cream cake, by jungle boys.
B. Strawberry Starburst, by irie genetics.
I did this run to prove to my self and others that u dont need the latest n greastest equipment to have fun and grow a decent flower. I credit all my knowledge mainly from Ed Rosenthals books.