Frosted looking tips some turning black

For a while they were there but theyve never been this prevelent and mostly on lower branches.
i got no clue what it could be i dont ph my water but im postive its a 7 since its just distilled water and i add the slightest amount of distilled white vinegar 5% less than 1/6 of a teaspoon to balance it to abt 6.7-6.2 and i have properly measured nutrient water that abt a 6.2.
my ph scale is aleadry out of calibration packets and its shit anyway i dont bother using it anymore its easy enough to judge ph when you dont add the nutrients although im thinking about getting ph strips to measure ph any suggestions of ph testing methods or with the tips of my leaves would be appreciated.

Sorry for any shit camera quality this isnt my phone as it was destroyed recently by a single drop(eff you apple).
also i recently topped her but that was nearly a whole week ago and shes mostly recovered from the looks of it but like ive said those wierd looking tips are definitely more noticeable then before throughout nearly the whole plant.
i actually think this is also somewhat do to with the lighter colors on the edges of almost all newer growth which was present before but not to this extent and went away after like a week.

Next to lights, a PH pen is one of the most important things in your arsenal. I recommend buying a solid PH pen so you can be sure your water is within range.

Also in order to properly answer any questions you have it’s best to fill out one of the support tickets with all the info folks might need to answer your questions. With limited info, it’s impossible to say what’s what. Could be a number of things.

*Also just an FYI… profane language shouldn’t be used in the community. We try and keep it positive and professional, so please avoid using profanity.

This is the support ticket updated by @Myfriendis410

COPY/PASTE the below list into your forum post.

Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so; Or post
NA (non applicable)

-What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed (photo or auto)
-Age of plant
-Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF
-Vessels: Type and capacity of container (fabric, plastic, etc)
-PH and TDS of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable)
-PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable
-Method used to measure PH and TDS
-Indoor or Outdoor if indoor, size of grow space
-Light system List brand and wattage/spectrum
-Actual wattage draw of lights
-Current Light Schedule
-Temps; Day, Night
-Humidity; Day, Night
-Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
-AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
-Co2; Yes, No

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Looks like at the top it’s going to be an issue with immobile nutrients not getting up there. Either they aren’t in soil in enough amount or they are being locked out due to the PH.

As far as using PH strips they will give you a range of 6.0 then 6.5 then 7.0 etc which when used with mixing up a slurry using 1 part soil from multiple locations/depths with 1 part distilled or RO water mixing it up in a small container letting it sit for an hour or so (they usually say 24 hours but I don’t wait that long) and test this will give you a range not an exact number. Will at least show if your in the 6-7 range.

I’ve never used vinegar to lower PH and have heard that caution should be used when using vinegar. Not sure why just others have mentioned that.
I have used citric acid powder found in baking section at grocery store when I’ve adjusted PH down.

Please follow up with above post requesting the additional info to better help.