A question from a fellow grower:
this my first time to grow hydroponic i ordered and have miraclegrow hydroponic system it came with led light most white a few red and a couple of blue light its supposed to be easy apparently not im letting them set in water then putting them in a rapid root cube and putting them in the system i had better luck though with them outside first i just tranfered a few too the system quick question is that ok too do? from outside in dirt too inside to water? the plants i do have r perfect so i no its inbetween the germation and setting in the hydroponic system is the problem after they get a few inches tall the do great thanks for sending me more seeds im going to do more studying but if its ok too start them out side then move to the hydroponic system i will skip the problem im having. one more question will a bigger plant take all the nutritions from the littler plant?