Fox farms fertilizer

Got a question. Hubby and I are on our first indoor grow. ILGM was out of fertilizer so I ordered f farms. Hubby now doesn’t want to put any chemicals on girls saying it’s bad for us & taste will be harsh. I feel that they cannot get to their optimum without them.
Can I get advice from experienced growers?

I personally used Fox Farms trio pack of nutrients for my first 3 grows. I had great success, other than pH problems on my part from being a newbie. One part of the 3 part system is totally organic anyway.

I never noticed any kind of harsh taste or anything.

They’re a good company, and many other members on the forum can tell you more about them. Just a heads up, when using FF nutrients they tend to drop the pH of your water/nutrient mixture so make sure you have pH up!



You can safely use the FF nutrients trio throughout your whole grow, but if your trying to get rid of that harsh taste, the last couple weeks before you harvest all you have to do is give your plants a PH corrected regular water solution. This will cause the plants to use up all the excess nutrients in the soil and it will ‘flush’ the nutrient flavor out of there.

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I think you will find you made a great choice with the FF products. If you are growing some gnarly bushes in pots and want big buds, you HAVE to add nutrients. LOTS of nitrogen in veg and then transition to your flower nutrients (still use nitrogen though!). My 4 late stage plants have literally consumed all of the high end organic potting soil in 10 and 15 gallon smart pots. They’re just a sponge to absorb water and nutrients now lol.


Fox farm is a good nutrient line and lots of people use them. There are organic nutrient lines out there if she would feel more comfortable using those. You can get organic nutrients that will work for you at most local grow stores or even hardware stores.
You can grow without nutrients but if you want a good final product I would recommend using the fox farms. As others have said you won’t get a harsh flavor or taste if done correctly.

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Thanks for info. Thanks to @Myfriendis410, @Mrgreen3461, and @Jmesser80 as well

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Of course! That’s what we’re all here for, to learn and help spread knowledge.

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I started using FF about 1/2 way thru my 1st grow last year. I believe they are what saved my grow ( and this site). I ended up with some smaller plants due to a bad start.But they ended up with some yuge buds!
Listen to these guys

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