FORUM POLICY: Read this before posting


ILGM is providing a uniquely friendly marijuana community. We expect all members to agree and cooperate with our policies; Set forth herein.

We do not allow political discussinons which lead to negative interactions between members.

For discussing Cannabis regulation, policies and politics, we have provided a Cannabis politics and policicies category in the member’s lounge, if you have cannabis news to share. New laws, law changes, etc.

This is a grow support and cannabis information forum.

Posting links
No links to any competing commercial websites.
You can post links to Amazon as they are our affiliate partners.
You can post educational links and youtube links as long as there is no commercial branding, merchandise or links to merchandise offered on the page. If you go to a page at another cannabis website and anything is for sale, a banner to a seed bank, or anywhere that sells grow supplies; You cannot post that link. Links that show tools or supplies that can help member and are not available on Amazon or other approved vendor will be considered on a case by case basis. The ownership of ILGM fully shupports helping all growers.

Posting of personal info
Posting of emails or solicitation of any personal contact information, phone numbers, addresses, etc, in the public forum is prohibited and will lead to account suspension. This includes linking to any social media platfrom in order to share personal information or to solicit members at ILGM.

Personal conduct
Vulgar language will not be tolerated. Post in a friendly appropriate manner, or be subject to editing and possibly suspension. If an ILGM staff member asks you to edit remove or, edits your post for a violation of forum policy; You are expected to comply in a friendly appropriate manner and move on. A member who confronts an ILGM staff after moderation will be subject to account suspension.

Important note
All Forum moderation and Administration decisions are final.
Do not email ILGM sales support in relation to forum administration.
ILGM sales support is for the purpose of answering queries in regard to seed orders and questions concerning products for sale on the ILGM websites.

Let’s all keep it real and have a good time on the best forum in the W3.

We love helping you to grow successfully. :smiley:

Latewood & the ILGM Grow Support Team