I think I see a couple of ambers in there too. @Bogleg
Day 61 since switching to 12/12. 47 days (guesstimate) since first signs of flowers.
Well, as you know if you’ve read through my updates, I had a stinky problem when I came back from my last trip. I updated my fans from the 240cfm 6" fans I had for intake and exhaust with 440cfm variable speed fans a couple days ago. With the old 240cfm fans I had positive pressure in the tent. With the new ones, I was able to adjust the speeds so I have a very nice slightly negative pressure in the tent. Odors are all gone now (except for when I open the tent up and admire my girls). A side benefit is the temp in the tent has gone down from daily highs of 86 to highs of 82, and lows of 76 to lows of 68. I would definitely counsel anyone looking to put together a grow area to have strong, variable speed fans for ventilation!
I haven’t gone downstairs yet to check them today - waiting for the lights to turn on. I am leaving for a work trip until Friday evening today, so I need to top off and adjust all the reservoirs this morning. I’ll update this post with pics.
FYI: I was curious what ILGM would say themselves about the flowering time for their seeds, so I asked. According to ILGM directly, the flowering time noted on the seed details is the amount of time from the time you switch to 12/12. If that’s the case, then I need to keep a close eye on my plants, because they could be in the harvest range any time now. I’ll diligently check trichomes today and every day I am home until I see around 20% amber, then I’m going to harvest.
Adding a trichome pic from this morning:
Still have to be patient…
The time estimates for flowering begins when it actually begins (think outdoor grow) So at the first sign of pistils is when flowering begins. Generally 7-14 days after going to a 12/12 schedule @Bogleg
BTW those are averages and yours could go significantly longer, shorter or exactly the same! Trichomes!!!
@bob31 Rhat is what I have heard from multiple people as well. But ILGM support said it starts at 12/12. Since it isn’t an exact science I think like most things in life you just have to decide for yourself.
This traveling for work is killing me. I miss my plants and want to see how they are doing.
Fair enough then go by that then. That is not my personal experience.
Consider getting a strong Jewelers loupe or something similar so you can view the trichomes. There are growing guides posted on the site that will give you decent guidance on what to look for and if you are signed up for the emails you should have gotten one today that outlines harvesting!
I have a microscope. I’m diligently checking trichomes.
Day 65 since switching to 12/12 (roughly 51 since first sign of flowers).
Well, I was out of town for work since Wednesday, and then my mom and her sister came to visit (not pot friendly), so I have largely ignored my plants for the past 4 days. I have some nutrient burn on pretty much all the tips of the leaves but I am so close to finishing that I’m not stressed about it too much. Here are a series of trichome pics (all different plants) from today:
We’ve got amber starting to show! I’m likely going to harvest next weekend. I reduced nutes slightly today. Assuming things are progressing over the next few days, I’ll probably do a two day flush at the end. I’m very happy so far with my first attempt at growing. I didn’t kill anything by accident, so that’s good. I have two plants that still have white pistils coming out of the top - those are also the two with the most weight on them. Depending on how they look at the end of this week I might let them go longer.
Here are some flower pics. I don’t have giant buds, and they look airy, but hey - it will smoke well I’m sure and it’s MINE. I grew it. I know everything that happened to these plants. They are my babies.
I’ve been pretty frustrated trying to keep myself stable enough to get good pics with the zOrb microscope. I finally made a stoner solution to the problem today by duct taping the zOrb to a pipe wrench, stacking two 5 gal buckets on top of each other to make a table, and using the wrench as a stability arm. Worked out okay, but I think I will look for a better, easier to focus and use microscope some day. I enjoy looking at the trichomes too much for it to be this big of a PITA.
Been wondering what kind of “high” I actually like more - cerebral or couchlock. That got me wondering how fast trichomes turn to amber once the buds start showing them. Like how long from say 10% amber to 30%? Just curiosity as I try to fall asleep.
Maybe a tripod? Amazon has some $10 cheapies. I bought one for my scope and it is so much better!
I saw the pic of your setup in the thread I started about microscopes awhile back. What kind of microscope do you have? I would think if I can find one with a square base I could use a tablet mounting arm to hold it.
What is your opinion on harvest this upcoming weekend @bob31 based on my latest pics? I don’t want to rush it.
I have this microscope
And this tripod
The base of the microscope fits the smartphone mount on the tripod perfectly!
I will scroll and check out your pics.
I’m seeing the start of Amber. I would check them again in two more days and make a decision. Sometimes they go fast and other times, it takes them a bit. Each plant matures at its own pace.
I think by the weekend, they will be ready!
Thanks @bob31!
I decided to join Bergman’s Lab. My reason for doing this is primarily to support this site and business. I have gotten a lot of knowledge in a short time here and it makes sense to me to support the community and the people who run it. I’m looking forward to all the new reading I get to do!
I’m still on the road. Won’t get home tonight until after the lights are off in my tent. I hate it when I come home from a work trip and doing get to say hi to my girls until the next morning.
Hi @Bogleg, I just see that you have vote in the BOM contest, could you please just tag one, otherwise you’re vote will not count… Put a @ before the name of the person you like to vote and just mention the other’s. …
It will simplefy greatly the job of the admin
I took care of it. Noob mistake.
Thanks @Bogleg, and no problem on the noob mistake, you are not alone, lol
Have a nice day, fisherman related buddy
Finally was able to get into the tent this morning and see how things look. All my girls drank a LOT since I changed out reservoirs on Sunday - nearly all the water in their buckets was gone. It appears to me that I have a couple of plants still growing, even though the trichomes are turning amber on them. As far as the trichomes go, it doesn’t look like there has been any appreciable change in the past three days:
The plants I will keep a close eye on this week have new white pistils on top - new since Sunday anyway:
One of my six plants is definitely earlier than the others - that one has no white pistils on it but is still only showing about 10% amber. It will be the first one down (probably this weekend). The other ones I’ll just have to play it day by day, but they could go longer than this weekend.
Day 69 since switching to 12/12. No accurate date for when first flowers started showing.
Well, my trichome check today showed me that I probably will have to go longer than this weekend on the majority of my plants. I checked 4 of the 6 plants this morning. The one that I think is a little bit earlier than the others doesn’t appear to have any real changes to the trichomes since Sunday. The other ones all look like they could use at least another week. At this point it’s just staring at trichomes every morning until I see what I want to see (which is around 20-25% amber).
That’s my assessment after looking at the following pics. I’m open to other opinions of course.
Nice macro shots @Bogleg … Aaaarrrggghhh ! ! ! , trichomes
Just a quick question, do you have begin to ripening them ?
@Bogleg, and you ask for BOM contest rules, ask and you shall receive, lol
@Niala I don’t even know how to answer your question. Do you mean like started to reduce nutes/flush? I did reduce nutes this week to ~700 PPM and was planning on draining them tonight and refilling with straight PH 5.8 water for the next two days… then draining them and leaving them dry and in the dark Saturday.
Is there something else I should do? If I have to go longer because the trichomes aren’t where I want them, I will just keep giving them water from today on out (no nutes).