Flavor and smell?

I have a question? I have gone through my second grow and starting my third. When growing smell and stickiness are through the roof. After dry and cure no real weed smell or taste just blah. And not very sticky anymore. What am I doing wrong? @Myfriendis410 @blackthumbbetty @IllinoisMedicalGrower @LoCoRock

I tagged a few of the known pros. Thanks in advance.


It could be your drying and curing process. Usually drying too fast and too much is the problem. Tell us how you dry and cure.


Cut whole plant, hang for 7-10 days. Depending on snap of branch. The jar and burp several times a day with boveda packs in there as well. @Hellraiser

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I don’t cure with the Boveda packs in the jar. I add them after 2 to 4 weeks in the jar.


The boveda packs, I wouldn’t use them during dry and cure. Get the buds to the right humidity (62ish) without them. I stopped using them as I do notice it alters the taste and smell as well, absorbs and releases odor, specially the longer they are kept around and recharged and reused. No more boveda for me.

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Don’t add Boveda packs til AFTER curing. They’re really more for long term storage.

How are did you finish your grow? For trimming, did you dry/wet trim?


Curious on the trimming at harvest also, I do a wet trim then hang to dry in 45-60rh till stems snap but dont break… jar it w a little humidity meter(Amazon) if it goes over 60 I pull it out and dry it more… me personally only…like a 50-58% on a constant in the jars, then I add the 58%pack to keep it there or bring it to there. Burp 2 -3 times day for a week 15 mins each and from there there opened enough once a week …smell has always gotten better and it seems to get a but tastier also… I dont like the taste of the leaf left on the bud… again …just me so I trim at harvest before dry, then freeze it for making hash.


If your branches snap then it’s too dry. After cure you’ll see that but you won’t at the front end. Like stated; Boveda packs aren’t recommended during cure.


I agree, ditch boveda until buds are cured. You also may be drying a little too long. Drying off a week plus is normal in summer, but in my climate that’s too long in the winter. It’s just too damn dry here.

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Is it to late to ditch and they get that smell and taste back?

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Not sure, how long have they been in jars?

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2 weeks?

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Try it. Do you have any small hygrometers you can put in jars with buds?

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Yes I do.

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Drop some of them in when you take boveda out. Give it about 45 min or so and see what rh in jar is.

Sitting about 60%

60% is good. Your wondering about the hay smell I guess… I guess only time will tell. Did ya pit peels or anything in with them? How’s it smoke though, good stuff? Is this the thread where someone smoked and said it was better before it was jarred and curing made it worse?


You’ll probably be good. Remove the lid and give the buds a light jostle once a day. When that gets to about 55% you should be able to store with boveda.


how do they smell now?

The same in my opinion