Fiz's Second Grow - LSD Auto triplets

The color offers flawless bag appeal


Thank you! Yeah, I’m very happy with the finished product from appearance to effects.


Something unexpected happened today - I was out of the blue gifted with two clones. They are kinda beat up looking, but alive. They are potted in what looks like regular potting soil. One is a “Space Queen” and the other I’m not sure, the person who gave them to me called them a “chalk a lot” but I can’t find anything with a similar name. I’m going to guess it may be a Chocolope - I can see getting mixed up with chalk a lot? Who knows.

They really need a drink, and I’m going to have to tent them up soon. No WAY are they going in with Slowpoke, I’ll have to hang a light in the small tent for them.

The taller of the two shows a bit of flowering, but since I know these are photos, I’m just going to adjust the time on them to get them back into veg.

They apparently were born up in Maine, and have been kicking around for a bit. The poor things took the trip home lying on their sides under my suv’s privacy cover.

Pictures once I get my lazy ass up off the couch.


Kids on the mythical Chalk A Lot strain:

I’d also guess it’s Chocolope.

Well, cool on you getting the clones.


Yeah, I got them from a friend of the Magic Flower guy, who gifted me a box of his MF stuff to try on Pokey. I did mix it up and put some in the sprayer, and sprayed two small bottom branches. The main claim is it will ripen any plant that’s 8 weeks + in flower overnight, and secondary one is it’s a good natural bug killer. There’s nothing in it that I don’t recognize, all kinds of spices, etc and some oils too, I guess we’ll see though I’m hugely skeptical.

I told him if the product worked as claimed, I’d talk it up here. We shall see.

Yesterday, I added a tiny bit of the kief puck into my bong hit of Jigglypuff, and I think I saw god. I’m going to have to be VERY careful with that stuff, it kicked my azz really hard.


Should be fun, cool!



Yanno, I think he did look like that!


This one is the Space Queen.

This is the Chocolope.
I removed the dead leaves and coupla dead branches and gave them a drink and put them in Lucy’s tent with the TS 1000. I gave them a dousing with CJDB for good measure.

They are going on 6/2 lights for now, hopefully they will decide to wait to really flower.


Next is figuring out what to do about repotting. They need a little break though, they were looking pretty rough there when they came in. They both need silica and to be planted deeper.


Killing it :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:


Ok, time to talk about the clones. They are in some kind of potting soil, one is in a tiny pot, one is in a one gallon I think. Obviously that won’t do. Their stalks are pretty spindly.

My idea was to empty Loretta’s pot - potting soil with worm casings - mix it up with perlite and some coco to lighten it up and put them into five gallons but burying them deeper.

The larger has early flowers on her because lord knows what happened to her on her rocky ride to her new home, but I think I shouldn’t let her flower out now. I want her to grow a bit before we get to that.

The other shows some preflowering activity, enough that I know she’s a girl. Her tin pot does concern me.

As mentioned, I have them on 6/2 timing right now and set DLI to around 50. When I peeked at them at bedtime, they looked happier than in the above pictures.

Ok! All that being said - what do you all think I should do with them? And should I wait a wee bit to let them catch their breaths?

@Graysin @SnkeyezCobra @kaptain3d And anyone else who has ideas! Thanks in advance.


Also try @Hellraiser for cloning-related advice. (see above post(s).)


I would go on with your transplanting plans… :nerd_face:
That should give them room to stretch their roots and help with the re-veg…imo. :thinking:


I haven’t seen @Hellraiser here in a while, couple of months I believe. :sob:


Sounds good, I will get on that tomorrow most likely.

I am thinking 5 gallon pots for them.

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Oh, and they do have bugs! Dammit. Really doused them good with the Capt Jack’s and I am so glad they have their own tent!


I leave my clones in solo cups until about a week or two before it’s time to flower. Then I move them into a 1, 3, or 5 gal pot depending on what my end goal is. If you want to make the most of them, which honestly at this point I sure would, I’d go for a 3 or 5 gallon pot.

I don’t wait for much from my clones, just enough sign of life that I know they’re still functional. To transplant, I’d fill the pot, dig out a hole the size of your old container (I just set my old container inside the hole and backfill it til it’s snug around the container.). Then sprinkle every single microbe and mycorrhizae product you have on the inside of the hole - bottoms and edges - and on the root ball once you remove the old container. Place the clone inside the hole, cover with a little extra dirt and water with plain water directly in the ring around the old dirt/new dirt. That gets the ‘crobes wet and active.

I use Great White, Azos, and Mykos blended in a baggie - I would add Recharge to that mix too but mostly I just ran out.

Clones as old as it sounds like these gals are will get 3x their size, potentially bigger - so plan space accordingly. Clone grows are nothing like from-seed grows, because everything moves faster. They’ll veg into their bigger pots much quicker, and will transition into flower much quicker (than their from-seed counterpart).


You know I’m late as usual… pros got you covered I also agree… I only have mykos and I use that just like Graysin described and it seems to work for my transplants… I did take my one mother clone as they were flipping to flower… set under 24 hr to 20:4 she went right back to vegging the last month :+1: so that’s the only other insight I can provide lol… that’s awesome you got them you’ll do great!! I know we haven’t seen Hellraiser but I do reference his information often…

As to what Kap was referring to… more about taking clones and keeping mothers… but definitely some good info nonetheless :man_shrugging:


Thank y’all! I have mykos and azos and recharge in the house. I even have some mykos “mats” that came with the sample kit, I could pop them into the holes also. They are staying in the Lucy tent for now, until I finally pull Pokey. She is still loaded with white pistils though so who knows how long.
(Day 111, 67 in flower - sheesh!)

All righty then - gonna do this tomorrow as I just spent three hours on my hair - coloring hair that’s close to waist length is a PITA. Hubby loves it though, so if it makes him happy, I’m glad to do it for him.

I had asked what he thought of me going to my natural color, which as this point is salt and pepper with more S than P. He said I’d look SO OLD. That discouraged me so oh well.


Fiz, ya gonna make @kaptain3d jealous with that hair talk.