Fiz's Second Grow - LSD Auto triplets

Yes jigglypuff looks amazing how long did u put her in the grove bags for???

I just looked back to figure out when stuff happened, but Jiggly went into the Grove Bags 18 days ago, honestly I thought it was longer.

She’s already well cured, and very likely to get a bit better with some more time.


Oh and specially for @Graysin, because I know she loves popcorn shots.


That ain’t popcorn :rofl:… I agree with Gray


Here’s my girl day 90 from sprought can u guys see the trichs enough to give me any idea bout how long u think till she’s ready to chop???



I know their not the best pics but it’s the best I could get. Also Do u guys and girls think it’s better to hang dry as one whole plant if possible even if the if the colas are uneven or should I hang by separate colas???


Anybodys suggestions would be appreciated thank you, just not sure being a new grower and don’t want to mess it up At the very end.

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@M.W.P.P , It depends on your climate. If it’s on the dry side hang the whole plant, or split it in a couple of parts but hang them whole. That will help slow down the dry.
If your climate is on the humid side, take the fan leaves off to prevent mold… :nerd_face:
And hang the branches separately with some space between them.
Wet spots are the enemy, that’s where mold begins…


What do u think she has left till I chop Fiz, We’ve loved everyone of ur girls we’ve seen and ur opinion would definitely mean a lot to us

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K thank u at this point my rh is at about 48 percent and my temps around 67 to 70/still trying to determine if she’s ready or if we should wait???

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There’s still a lot of long white pistils, so technically she could still develop more. When she’ll be ready, most of the pistils will have changed colors and will recede/shrivel.

The boring answer is : I’d give her another week or two, then check again…

And I tend to harvest on the early side… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I do think you’re getting pretty close - couple more weeks, but what you can do is snip a small bud from the lower part of the plant(s) and pop it in a paper bag for a couple of days. If you got your WeDryer already likely it would be a one day thing.

Dry the budlet out and smoke it. It won’t taste the same as when it’s properly cured, but you’ll get an idea what the high is. If it is really speedy, you have to wait b/c that will give you a headache in the end.

I’ve done this with all my girls. And then ended up waiting!


K thank u had to put our wedryer on hold till next grow so I’ll be hang drying this girl. Thanks Fiz we appreciate it


So as soon as I cut of one of the little buds throw it immediately in the bag for a couple days then smoke or do I hang dry for a sec first??

Just cut a piece as big as the end of your index finger, and you can put it in the bag.

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Right. I’ve been saying this all along. :joy:


here is some popcorn

Dirty fingernails for scale


That’s more like my popcorn at least :rofl::joy:


@Graysin @Underthestairs

I dunno, when you grow little plants you get jumbo popcorn?

What I liked about this bud is how DARK it is. All the bottom buds were inky midnight purple, or something.