@Underthestairs @Newt @BobbyDigital @MadamCalamity @Mr_Wormwood @oldmarine @AfgVet @Lacewing
You are just a few who helped guide me through, and calm my nerves, my first couple of girls. I tried being a little more solo with the next 2, and well, I’m considering this my official 2nd grow haha. Here’s a basic, minimal basic rundown of what I’m using…
Bruce Banner x1
Black Widow x1
GrandDaddy Purple x1
Canna Coco expandable bricks
Jack’s 321
3 gallon fabric pots
Ipower 32"x32"x64" tent
HLG qb288
Viparspectra p1500
4" Ipower exhaust vented outside (will upgrade soon enough)
1 small stationary fan
1 normal oscillating fan
Dropped at 2:30pm in 25ml distilled water each with about 3 or 4 drops of peroxide (see post above).They’ll stay in the dark cabinet until 8:30, tomorrow morning, when they’ll go to paper towels. Then, Sunday evening-ish, into Jack’s loaded Coco in solo cups.
Their first two or so weeks will be spent next to Suzan in the tent while she finishes. I was about to say forget it with her, but she is getting fatter and my wife will appreciate her, I know. After I pull her, it’s all theirs.
I hope y’all hang around. Invite your friends, your family, coworkers, let’s make a thing outta this. I know I’ll need all kinds of pointers and advice. At the least, LST will be incorporated, and a trellis net will be thrown in sometime, as well.
Now that outside elements and conditions are a near zero factor, I’ll be able to focus better. Actually putting some pen to paper this time.
Any help along the way is welcomed and appreciated. Flood the feed with discussion and conversation or totally ignore it. I want these girls totally done and ready to roll up by mid April ().