First time UK outdoor grow (2 autos, 2 photos)

I have experience growing flowers, fruit and veg so I’m not too worried about the grow. I’ve done plenty of research too so I’m not looking for an easy ride here. Cracked the seeds of 2 autos a couple days ago and they’re as expected. Transfer to peat pellets in a few days in a propagating tank then sunny window for a few weeks until out to the greenhouse they go. Good quality (homemade) compost mixed with general purpose and perlite in aerated 20l plastic pots. Nitrogen feed for vegging then potash for flower. I plan to grow them much like tomatoes but top like chillies. Same process for photos but crack seeds mid May to plant outdoors end of June. Any tips on what might catch me out would be much appreciated.

Sounds like a nice setup you have and good plan of action. My only suggestion is not to over do training the autos. If topped once or supercropped they can turn out to be beautiful plants but it will slow down their harvest time. They are easily stressed and if stressed won’t produce a very good yield.

Photos are easy to train and bounce back pretty well.


Thanks for taking the time to respond @shindig153. Took the chance with an early start on the autos (Nortern Lights and AK) only about 12°C here but should warm up soon and I’m hoping for a second grow overlapping the first. Purely for personal and gaining experience. Thanks for the tip :+1:

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Likely I would have topped autos and photos the same so really appreciate the advice


No problem. If you have any questions during your grow please feel free to tag me. I enjoy helping out where I can. If I don’t know I can point you to someone who does.

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Thanks man, be keeping a photo diary at home for reference so will always have up to date pics. I’ll give it a good go anyway, just gotta hope my neighbours don’t get jealous :joy:

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This ebook is written by the founder of ILGM and it goes very well with the help you get from the likes of @shindig153. Brings everything together for your grow :sunglasses:


I downloaded that one yesterday when I signed up. I’ll get stuck into it, cheers :+1:

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welcome to ILGM and the forums @420IsPlenty! i am a completely new grower but have smoked for 50 years lol. This is a fantastic site with lots of great help both in knowledge and experience. i have yet to see a topic that someone on here hasn’t had experience with and all are very friendly and willing to help. as you are an experienced grower of plants, for a laugh read thru my grow journal for how most newbies deal with learning how to grow plants :blush: monk’s first try is the thread. Have fun and good luck on your grow.

also, read lots on the forums focusing on your “outside” grow for a topic.

and if you want someone’s attention put an @ sign in front of their name and they will get a heads up.


Thanks man, I try to do as much research as poss myself but always good that people are willing to share their knowledge and experience, nice to see. Transferred the seeds out to pots now can’t wait to see them start to grow

Couldn’t wait to get home from work to see how my babies are doing in the propogating tank. Was surprised to see so much growth from the AK in a mere 19 hours. The seed was at soil level when I potted up. Awesome

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@monkman journals a good read by the way. Top man!

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Day 3, I’m using this as my journal btw

Man handled the N Lights so sadly I killed it off, no worries, I’ll clone the AK for the second plant